4 - bonfire

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| S03 E06 |

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| S03 E06 |

One day ago Leia had been released from the hospital, Damon came by and gave his blood to her, because Rebekah hadn't thought of that.
Now it was the first day of their senior year, she was standing with Elena, Caroline and Bonnie in front of the school. Elena had a scarf around her neck, because she didn't want to take blood from Damon as Stefan had bitten her when Klaus had made him turn off his emotions.

Leia that morning only found that Klaus made Stefan bite Elena, just to make sure that Stefan was compelled.

"Here we are. Senior year." Caroline announced. Although the senior prank night didn't go
as she was planned she still was making the best out of their situation.

"Anyone else think it should feel slightly more empowering?" Bonnie asked while looking around.

"Well, I should have already graduated school. No one is more pathetic than I am." Leia smiled. The girls all chuckled.

"Okay." Caroline nodded. "So prank night was a bust. But we are accepting it, and we are moving on."

"You're right. I mean, why should I let the fact that my boyfriend is seeing the ghost of his dead girlfriends hinder this experience?" Bonnie asked sarcastically.

Bonnie also had discovered that Leia's little brother has been seeing ghosts, especially his ex-girlfriend, that was the consequence of Bonnie bringing him back from the dead.

"Yes! And why should I let the fact that my boyfriend was turned into a hybrid put a damper on an otherwise fabulous day." Caroline smiled.

"And I have far too much trauma already than anyone should have." Leia added.

"Today's our anniversary. Technically, Stefan and I met on the first day of school last year." Elena sadly said. Leia patted her shoulder.

"Yeah. You win." Caroline sighed.

"Hold up. We shouldn't compare our experiences and traumas, it isn't healthy. No one should ever think that their trauma isn't as worse as someone else's." Leia said looking at all of them. "Am I clear?"

All three of them nodded as Bonnie decided to move from that subject to another. "Are you sure you want to be here?" Bonnie looked at Elena.

"I have to be here. I have to put it behind me. New year. New life." Elena said determined and strayed to walk into the school.

Leia, Caroline and Bonnie looked at each other and started to follow Elena. Leia put her arms
around Caroline and brought her into her side and kissed her forehead.

Caroline put up a flyer on the wall which said "Spirit Squad Back-to-school Bonfire". Leia already forgot about it.

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