- The Principality of Qua Toyne hopes to form an alliance with Myto, if necessary, to form a military alliance. This was due to the threat from the Kingdom of Lauria. The Principality of Qua Toyne also asked to be able to buy advanced military equipment from Myto.

The results of the discussion will be given to Myto's leaders so that they can talk about them in more depth at a meeting.




That evening, when they were about to leave for dinner, the two representatives from the Principality of Qua Toyne met with representatives from the Kingdom of Quila. The Quila representatives were ambassador Gruschak and Colonel Afrik, both of whom were descended from beastmen but had the same form as humans, only the difference was that they had slightly larger fangs that were often seen when speaking or smiling, and irises that narrowed like a cat's.

Representatives from the two countries were brought to a luxury restaurant on the top floor of a tower. Throughout the trip, the representatives of the two countries did not say much, busy paying attention to the view of the city filled with colorful lights, both from decorative lights and street lights, and from billboards showing 3D images.

(Description of the tower using the photo of Skytree Tower as reference

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(Description of the tower using the photo of Skytree Tower as reference. Taken from wikiarquitectura.)

Upon arriving at the restaurant, they were taken by glass elevator to the top of the tower. There is an amazing view of the city as the elevator goes to the top of the tower. The view from the restaurant is no less amazing. You can see views of almost all corners of the city at night, full of colorful lights, interspersed with roads full of vehicles that use lights, like a flowing river of light. The representatives of the two countries now understood that Myto's technological level was extremely high, as were its military capabilities. But they expect further confirmation from the military demonstrations that will take place tomorrow.

Dinner was served. Once again, guests from both countries were amazed at the dishes served. The dish was not only beautiful, it was also exotic and tasted absolutely delicious. Dinner was interspersed with light conversations. But between the conversations, both the Principality of Qua Toyne and the Kingdom of Quila seemed to compete with each other to offer knowledge about 'magic' and 'magic' raw materials to be exchanged for military assistance from Myto. The informal conversation also confirmed the Kingdom of Lauria's threat and the aggressiveness of its military. In addition, it is known that the name of the New Word is Elysia.

After dinner, they were escorted back to their hotel. Representatives of the two countries were also satisfied because they could provide more value to offer to Myto. They slept soundly in the very luxurious bed provided by the hotel.




The next day, representatives from both countries gave gold bars to be exchanged for galactic credit currency. This was because they would be taken for a tour of the city in the morning, and they hoped to buy some things to take back to their respective countries.

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