"I know but it's good for you to be on your feet and walking."

"Sure it is." She grumbled to herself.

"Want to see the babies?" The doctor asked.

She shrugged, "Sure."

The doctor waved over a nurse with a wheelchair and she was wheeled up to the NICU. Then to the secluded room the triplets were in.

The doctor glanced between Emmy and Gigi, "Do you two have any names? We would like to refer to them something other than the Lopez babies."

Amelia, Jo, and Emmy furrowed their brows, confused as to why Gisele's children had Emmy's last name.

It had dawned on Emmy that she had filled out the paperwork incorrectly and the triplets were considered hers. She shivered at the thought.

"Uh, the babies-they ar—" Emmy began, but Gisele cut her off.

"Their names aren't decided yet." Gisele said.

"Thank god." Jo muttered.

DeLuca nodded, "Well, when you do, let us know."


"Would now be a good time to inform you on the bambinas condition?" She asked.

If it were just her, Gisele would've said no and gone back to bed, but everyone was staring at her. So she just nodded.

"So, normally I'm not the baby doctor, but since all of the experienced ones are on holiday, I'm filling in for them." She informed, "Since they are such complex cases, our top three neonatal specialists are flying back in as we speak."

"That's great." Amelia said.

"All three are on high flow oxygen as of now. Baby a and c are both hypoglycemic, but seem to be responding to treatment."

It was already way too much information for Gisele to grasp.

"We've performed newborn tests and they've passes a few things, which is anticipated since they're born so early. But we have concerns about baby a's hearing in her left ear. I honestly wouldn't about it too much since it's still early and they have some time left to develop."

"So, she's deaf in the left ear?" Amelia asked.

"We can't be too sure, as I said, it's very early." She said, "Lastly, baby b has a grade 1 brain bleed that we are monitoring and doesn't seem to be getting worse."

"That's everything?" Gisele asked.

She nodded, "For now, yes."

Gisele nodded, soaking up all the information. If she was being honest, she expected so much worse. These things she could handle.

"And as you can see all three have ng tubes."

"None of them need surgery?" Jo questioned.

She shook her head, "None, no. They are doing surprisingly well for being so early." She assured, "Would you like to do skin to skin with them?"

Gisele glanced at the three incubators and she just felt drained.

She shook her head, "Not right now. I'm very tired."

The doctor waved her off, "That is fine, your recovery is important. I will be by later, once you wake up to check on you."

"Okay," Gisele looked up at her sister, "Take me back?"

Amelia nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah, let's go." She wheeled Gisele out the room.

"Can we hold them?" Jo asked, once Gigi was out of the room.

"Of course we can, they're my kids too." Emmy said, trying to hint to Jo.

Jo and Emmy both sat in their respective rocking chairs, swaying back and forth, each with at least one baby on their chest. Jo had two.

"Something's up with Gigi." Jo stated.

Emmy immediately knew what Jo was hinting to, Gisele seemed distant and a little cold towards the babies.

"Yeah, well, she did just have a traumatic birth out on the ocean, she deserves to act however she wants to."

"You're right." Jo said. "At least she changed her mind on those god awful names."

Emmy nodded, "Right."

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