Family Affair II

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24 weeks

EMMY HAD TO BREAK INTO A LIGHT JOG JUST TO CATCH UP TO GIGI, for a woman that's twenty-four weeks pregnant Gisele sure did walk fast.

When she finally caught up to her, Emmy grabbed her wrist, gently stopping her from walking, "Where are you going?"

Gisele shrugged, truly not knowing where she was going or what she want to do, "I don't know. I'm just tired."

"Okay, lets find a sleeping room—"

"You mean an on call room." Gisele corrected.

"Same thing."

Rapid footsteps caught up to them, "Where are you guys going?" Jo asked, falling into step with them, "Today, we shouldn't even be in the hospital. That's why its called a day off."

"She's tired." Emmy said.

"Fine," Jo groaned, "You get a two hour nap and then we're out of here."

Arizona had gone to the viewing room for a better look at Gisele's ultrasound. She wanted to be totally prepared for the surgery, she was so focused she hadn't heard the door open and close.

"Is that Gigi's?" Jackson asked, he read the patients name on the file. Shepherd, G. There was only one Shepherd, G that he knew of and that would be Gisele.

"Yes, it is. She had an appointment today."

"How did it go?"

Exhaling heavily, she motioned for him to take a seat next to her, "You might want to sit."

That made him nervous, so he sat down, "Is something wrong? Gisele's okay though, right?"

"Gisele's fine, everything g with her is great."

He frowned, that meant something was wrong with the babies, "But something is wrong with the babies."

Arizona nodded, "Yes. Everything with Gisele is mostly fine, I'm a little cautious of her glucose levels but it's nothing too alarming. The TTTS between baby b and c had gotten worse so I'm planning on doing surgery soon."

He exhaled, this pregnancy was just one complication after another and it was mostly all his fault. He felt horrible that Gisele had to go through it, "How soon?"

    "Today-ish, Gisele's just taking a nap. But you two should get together and figure out a birth plan." Arizona suggested.

    "How likely that the babies are born today?"

     "Not likely, but triplets are usually born at thirty six weeks, that's eleven weeks away. On this case, I'm guessing they'll come earlier with all the complications."

    "I'll try."

He leaves her in the room and goes to search for Gisele. He practically searched every room in the hospital and was almost convinced she had gone home, then he spotted her sitting at one of the picnic tables in the courtyard. Of course, she was accompanied by Emilia and Jo.

He went over to them and hesitantly interrupted their conversation, "Hey," all three of them looked up at him, "Can I talk to you?"

Emmy and Jo looked over at Gisele, waiting on  her lead.

Gisele inhaled deeply, mentally preparing herself for an inevitable fight that always happened when they spoke, "Sure." She motioned to the open seat across from her.

Jackson had expected Jo and Emilia to leave them alone to have their conversation it sighed out when they stayed, "Uh, can you guys leave us—"

Gisele cut him off, she needed her friends there to be buffers, "They can stay."

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