Minho's eyes lit up as soon as she spoke, he looked up at her blinking clearly not believing her words, "really?" His voice was slightly above a whisper as he stared lovingly at her.

She nodded back at him chuckling softly, Minho got up on shaky legs and placed the ring on her finger trembling like a leaf.

As soon as he placed the ring on her finger she smashed her lips against his muttering 'thank you' against his lips repeatedly.

At first the black haired boy was surprised, wide shining dark brown doe eyes she absolutely adored, but soon fluttered shut as his hand catches in her hair and he pulls her mouth in deeper, rough and thin fingers twisting and tugging at soft strands as he all but melts into her.

She pulled away cheeks flushed red and hand resting in his jaw, both their foreheads rested as they held each other warmly.

"Thank you Minho."


The day passed by her completely staring at the ring in her finger with a wide smile, the running trio were sent to bring supplies.

Speaking of Thomas, yesterday night both the now new soon to be married couple heard some noises that made then laugh so hard to the point they were crying in silence.

Thomas the next day stayed silent for the whole ride, Minho and Asterin laughed in silence, she cleared her throat, "so... Tommy, I never knew you were such a sub."

Thomas snapped his head towards her in pure panic, he looked terrified, "WHAT?!" Asterin and Minho started laughing so hard, "bro y'all were so loud yesterday, Newt got you on your knees."

Thomas was a mess, he was red and was trying so hard not to explode, his body was hot and he was blushing so hard to the point where he wanted to go to one of those buildings and jump.

"Okay, can you please not tell anyone?" He begged them shutting the car door behind him before walking towards the duo who held hands.

"We won't Tommy." She chuckled wrapping her arm around his neck and ruffling his hair making him groan but laugh with her, "Thank you Asterin..." he muttered.

Asterin frowned in response slightly tilting her head to the side, "for what?"

"Being the older sister that I need."

She laughed ruffling his hair once again with a bright grin, "oh shut up." Thomas smiled back at her and turned to look at Minho who was staring lovingly at his girl.


The city was quite, the trio were looking for supplies as always as they walked around holding their guns if a crank attacked them.

She suddenly heard barking out of no where, "is that a dog?" She asked looking over to where the sound came from, it sounded like a little puppy, she soon noticed a box that wasn't supposed to be there.

Thomas climbed over the huge gates and rushed towards the small box, as soon as he opened it a black puppy started licking his face making him laugh.

He grabbed the puppy and handed it to Minho as he climbed up the gates jumping to the ground with a thud.


Thomas literally gave the dog to drink in his hand.

Asterin could hear him talking to the dog happily as they looked around the about city, papers flew everywhere and the city was completely silent.

A paper suddenly stopped in front of her, it was talking about the Flare but who cares when she found the cure.

Ripping the paper she threw it along with the other trash in slight annoyance, walking around the bridge she stared at the city in front of her.

Minho suddenly came over rushing towards her, he wrapped his arm around her waist making her lean back and press a kiss to his lips.

"I just found something.. for Thomas." He whispered to her ear making her grin and turn around, he was holding two necklaces that had rings on them.

"Maybe he can use these to propose to Newt, they've been together for 3 years already."

"That's my boy, you're a genius." She exclaimed kissing his lips and hiding the necklace in her pocket to give Thomas later.


"Tommy?" She spoke turning to look at Thomas who was playing with the dog with the brightest grin.

He looked at her with warm eyes, "yeah?" He gestured for her to continue, she looked at Minho who was driving with one hand, his hand on her thigh.

"Have you ever thought of marrying Newt, I mean you guys have been in a relationship for 3 years already.." she spoke softly.

"Yeah, i thought of it, everyday actually i have been planning on next week or these days but-" he was cut off by her squealing happily.

"Perfect! Guess we'll have two weddings at the same, Where's the other you found my darling?" She asked Minho gestured to his pants pockets.

"The right pocket in my pants, beautiful." He replied watching as she immediately placed her hand in his thigh and carefully pulled out the necklace.

She opened the necklaces taking off the two perfect rings and handed it towards Thomas who took it in awe and stared at them, black drawings were carved beautiful on both rings.

"Wait what do you mean bu two weddings? Are Fry and Brenda going to get married or Sonya and Harriet-" before he could finish his words Minho intertwined his fingers and shiwed him the grin shining beautifully.

"OH MY GOD!" He exclaimed watching as both chuckled softly at the reaction, "Minho you proposed and didn't tell me?!" He spoke punching Minho's shoulder feeling betrayed.

Minho laughed, "sorry man, She caught me staring at the ring and I proposed." With that he groaned in pain dramatically making them laugh.

"Oh stop being dramatic." Both she and Thomas spoke in unison still laughing at Minho.

"Well, i'm happy you finally had the guts to do it, i think it's my turn now."



𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞- Minho, The Maze Runner Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora