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Asterin Freud was like a girl who would wake up in a black robe in those 50 movies, the femme fatale with red striking lipstick and a cigarette between her lips as she got every men on their knees for her but no it wasn't just guys but also girls.

But no. she wasn't a femme fatale nor a woman written by men she was a survivor.

She was a girl that was W.C.K.D’s special weapon, the girl they needed in every fight and for her to train and become better than anyone.

That was the real Asterin.

She never got much sleep ever since she got taken by W.C.K.D, she could still remember the first time she met young Minho who was fighting and kicking a guard that was way bigger than him, it was adorable. But one thing that she noticed change about her ever since she got sent to the maze was her insomnia; ever since she got to sleep in the same room as Minho she was resting for the first time peacefully without having a nightmare or waking up screaming and panting just to never go back to sleep once again.

She felt safe and could finally sleep like a baby, she got that bad habit during her training years.  She would finish her day with either a cut on the lip on bruise on her cheek, her head spinning and throbbing in pain as she falls on her bed feeling a wave of nausea all over her body as she couldn’t move but let her eyes flutter close.

Waking up in an hour screaming and panting heavily as she looked around in horror. But ever since Minho was taken by those fuckers, her insomnia was back and she rarely slept peacefully.

W.C.K.D were punch of fuckers that always thought that making the same thing that happened to her happens also to her boyfriend, thinking that she will not solve the problem and will not find out anytime soon.

And Asterin knew that they will do something to him that will traumatize the poor boy, she knew why they took him, and that they’re currently giving him the medicine they used to give her to scare him so he will be on their side but Asterin knew that he will never be on their fucked up insane side just like she used to do.


Minho eyes fluttered open at the feeling of someone calling out his name, “Asterin…” he muttered finally opening his eyes fully staring at the blue sky in front of him, her beautiful warm voice he always loved was calling out for him but she was nowhere to be seen he groaned in pain and looked around the place, his eyes slightly widening once he recognized the huge walls with Ivy’s.

“No.” he whispered in fear, ‘this can’t be happening’ he thought feeling his feet over one another as he caught himself before his cheek would be on the ground, he walked around the place looking around with his whole body trembling as he suddenly heard the clicking sound of a hammer, there stood 3 person in front of the entry to the maze from far, one of them was Chuck.

“HEY!” he called watching as the trio turned in unison and stared at him with emotionless eyes, the sudden sound of wood snapping snapped him out of thoughts as his head jolted towards the sound and there was Asterin running past him like a wind, her hair slapping his face as she ran, “ASTERIN!” he called following behind her but she didn’t talk but slam the door open and run inside the small house, Minho was calling for her name and as soon as he ran past the door she disappeared.

Nowhere to be found and only left him in a dark corridor looking around and screaming for her name, the sudden sound of the maze doors opening startled him as he stared at the walls opening revealing a griever straight dead at him followed by the whirring and clicking sound.

He started running trying so hard to ignore the griever behind him, he turned to the corridor bumping the wall harshly in exhaustion as he sprinted down the hallway, the light flickering on top of him coming to a dead end a voice echoed around the place scaring the living shit out of him more than he already is.

“How’s he doing?”

“Breathing levels look strong.”

Spoke the voices as a griever suddenly was in front of him snarling as it tried to get him, he continued to run, a sudden light came out of nowhere blinding him but as he turned to run to the other side a force stopped him from moving, he was screaming for her name, “ASTERIN!” he screamed trying to run but the force kept stopping him as he was suddenly slammed to the ceiling, the force pinned his wrists to the ground stopping him from wiggling.

The griever walked closer and Minho could feel his body shaking as he froze in terror, the light flickered as tears raced down his cheeks and onto the ground trying to keep silent. The sharp metal hit the ceiling inches away from his face as Minho eyes widened as he stared at the griever getting closer to his face.


Ava Paige watched coldly as the doctor spoke, it’s not as effective as the maze, but it seems to be working.” He said, “It’s promising, but we’ll need a larger sample to work with.” She said turning to look at Teresa who was shaking, “Carry on.” The doctor ordered for them to continue their torturing, the poor boy panting and screaming, “Madam!” called Teresa for the blonde woman following after her, Ava turned.

“I feel like this is wrong, I mean- I have the feeling that when Asterin gets here she will kill us all and by that I mean violently like we’re some kind of sheep. And I don’t want to die in her hand cause I rather get burned alive then get tortured by her.” She said in worry, getting tortured by Asterin is basically like someone skinning you alive and no one wanted that.

“If we’re gonna die, it’s her killing us honey, we’re gonna die in one way or another.” Replied the woman, Ava knew that she was going to die in the hands of Asterin Freud and knew that the teenager had all the rights.


Asterin kept her promise and here was her brother driving them to the last city, she sat at the back seat beside Newt and had the window open staring at the road, the second in command was resting peacefully with her jacket on top of him in which she placed the night once she noticed him shivering.

The car soon came to a stop in front of a huge tunnel that was absolutely dark and empty, that was what she thought. Staring at the tunnel holding the map she stood beside Newt, “you want us to go in there?” asked the second in command Thomas who didn’t reply but instead stared at the map, “I don’t wanna come across as too negative, but I mean if I was a crank, that’s exactly where I would be.” He said, “exactly!” exclaimed Asterin staring at the tunnel in disgust.

“I don’t think we have much of a choice.” Said Thomas shaking his head, clearly not having a good feeling about that fucked up looking place. “oh hell no.” both the siblings spoke sighing heavily, “All right, I get shotgun.” Said Newt walking away, Asterin mouth hanged open in disbelieve as she stared at the blonde, “Oh that’s not fair, you always get shotgun!”

Newt chuckled in response and ran to grab the shotgun before she does, she huffed in annoyance and grabbed her gun that only had 10 bullets left. Charging the gun she sat in the driver's seat and started to drive slowly.

𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞- Minho, The Maze Runner Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin