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Asterin woke up.

Greeted by the blinding light of the sun straight in her eyes making her groan and cover her face with the pillow.

"Fucking hell.." her head hurts as if she was drunk but it was bearable, she tried to go back to sleep but couldn't so she got up.

Chattering of people talking could be heard as she walked in the bathroom shddenly having the urge to have a shower, she thought that she still had blood covering her and wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible.

After about 10 minutes Asterin walked out of the shower grabbing the towel that was neatly placed on the counter wrapping it around her body.

'My toothbrush!' She thought excitedly, Asterin loved her toothbrush and if you touch it, she will cut your hand. The reason why she loved her toothbrush so much is because it matched Minho.

A really dumb reason, but it is something that they both got for each other.

After brushing her teeth she grabbed the clothes that were neatly folded on the counter and looked at them, the flannel Newt handed her back in the glade along with some black shorts, dark red sports bra and lastly brown converse.

Without thinking about it she wore the clothes they handed her, surprisingly they fit her prefectly, the flannel was bigger than her but looked amazing on her.

Speaking of Newt she ran out of the room in search for him, the fresh air greeted her as she stared at the sea in front of her with a frown, canos were everywhere, survivors walked around until they noticed her.

The chattering turned into cheering as they chanted her name making her freeze in her spot, Minho ran towards her and pulled her into a tight hug with a bright grin on his lips, Asterin hugged back still slightly confused but glad that she was awake.

Then came Jorge who hugged her so tight that she felt small in his arms as if she was a kid hugging their father, Brenda started tearing up happily, Chuck hugged her waist making her laugh and ruffle his hair.

Frypan was frozen until she looked at him with a smile and he could feel the tears blurring his vision as he made his way towards her, picking her up and twirling around with her in his arms.

Gally gave her a soft smile, the smile he only showed her ever since they saw him for the first time after his fake death, but eventually pulled into a small hug awkward yet sweet.

Then she noticed it, Thomas and Newt smiling like idiots with their hands intertwined, Asterin raised her eyebrow teasingly at them.

𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞- Minho, The Maze Runner Where stories live. Discover now