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After walking for hours the trio finally found what seems to be a city full of people who were probably brought by the man called Marcus, teenagers her age had messy hair and smelled like alcohol as soon as they walked past her making her scrunch her nose in disgust, men staring at her creepily, they met a drunk man who said that Marcus was in Zone B but before they could meet him they have to drink what seemed to be a green liquid—the trio refused.

Until a sudden blonde haired woman appeared out of no where and smiled at Thomas who only stared with no sign of interest in his eyes, his heart belongs to Newt and not someone else’s. "Hey sugar, want a drink?" She asked brushing Thomas shoulder seductively in which he only pushed away harshly and wiped where her hand was, "no, we're looking for Marcus." He replied, Asterin smiled proudly at the boy for not getting affected by these people.

"Well, to see him you're gonna have to drink this." She said shaking the bottle of the same green drink in front of them in which Brenda grabbed harshly and took a sip immediately scrunching her nose in disgust at the liquid, coughing she handed it to Thomas who stood there a moment before shakenly taking a sip but the bitch pressed the bottle more against his lips making him drink half the bottle and finally Asterin.

She grabbed the bottle after Thomas and gulped down the rest of the green disgusting liquid, as she was about to spit it to the side the woman who handed her the drink closed her mouth forcing her to swallow, the bitter drink rushed down her throat making her cough and push the woman away from her harshly. She hated alcohol and before she could think of an insult to throw at the woman or beat the shit out of her she was pushed inside the party. The music blasting was thumping in her ears but who cares when you can have fun.

Asterin immediately felt her head heavy and a rush of excitement kicked in and the girl looked around watching some people her age and some slightly older drinking, dancing, making out and some had their bodies pressed together and danced to the music, it was euphoric how she looked up at the multicolored light and immediately smiled as the light that was in different shapes in her vision, some stars, some circles.

The alcohol kicked in and was making her feel rather excited, her cheeks flushed pink and her dark brown eyes sparkling as she was in the center dancing freely, her hips moving with the music as felt herself forgetting that they were currently looking for Marcus and her friends she whirled around and whooped her happiness into the sweat-stained air. Jumping and spinning, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d done this

why had she ever stopped?

The sudden sight of Thomas being dragged away by the woman that handed them the drink caught her blurry vision and Asterin found her way stumbling towards the girl and her boy best friend, the green alcohol bottle she stole tight in her hand and she death glared the woman who smiled innocently at her.

𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞- Minho, The Maze Runner Where stories live. Discover now