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The bonfire was cool, but Asterin wasn't liking it a lot, she was the whole day inside the kitchen cooking for the gladers and Minho was ignoring her, he didn't talk to her ever since they came out of the maze and she was talking to the greenie.

Asterin didn't realize she was spacing out while cutting the tomato until a sharp sting snapped her out of thoughts as she looked down to her finger, there was a cut, a wince left her lips as a drop of blood fell on the counter, then another, her finger was bleeding heavily even if it was a tiny cut.

Turning on the sink she let the water run on her hand, the blood disappearing from her finger but it still hurts, grabbing a napkin from the table she wrapped it around her finger, usually she goes to Clint and Jeff so they can give her a adhesive plaster but couldn't since they were having fun outside.

Something rare, it was rare to see the gladers all happy and smiling until the bonfire when a new person comes. Making her way towards the two boys that seemed to be chatting about random thing she placed the food in front of them before walking away, "Asterin~ come hang out with us!" Newt called out for the girl.

Sitting beside the drunk Newt who was flirting with the greenie she chuckled at the two, "you two are cute together." She said with a smile while staring at the trees in front of her, a gasp left Newt's lips as he grabbed the girl hand taking the napkin off her finger, another gasp, "you're injured!" He yelled out, Asterin eyes widened as Thomas took the drunk away from him while placing his hand on Newt's mouth.

"Shhh, don't tell anyone dude." She said looking around to see Minho already looking at them suspiciously, "shit." She muttered under her breath before getting up and make her way to the other side of the glade and back to the kitchen, "come back Asterin, I'll call Jeff or Clint, or....MINHO YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS HURT!" Yelled Newt towards Minho who stared at the 2 boys in suspicious before his eyes turned to Asterin who started running towards the kitchen.

She was going to kill Newt for that.

Hiding behind the counter she could see Minho in the doorway leaning against it, "I know you're in here, come out. Don't make me do it." He spoke with slight frustration in his voice, Asterin didn't respond but only pulled her knees closer to her chest  she could hear a sigh coming from him.


She could hear his footsteps walking closer to her as she crawled away from him taking it as an opportunity to run out, she got up running out of the door, Minho immediately followed and ran behind her, his arms wrapped around his waist as he lifted her from the ground, the girl struggled against his hold trying to kick his leg but he was way stronger.

Placing her on the counter he stood between her legs, grabbing her hand he took the napkin off staring at the cut on her finger, he rolled his eyes at the girl before calling out for Jeff who was passing by, "Jeff go get me some cotton, antiseptic and a adhesive plaster, now." He ordered the boy who immediately did as told.

"Why were you ignoring me earlier?" Asterin asked the boy who only stared at her hand ignoring the question, "I don't know, maybe because you still haven't thanked me for yesterday." Remembering what happened yesterday at night her cheeks flushed red as she looked away from Minho and onto the bonfire where the greenie and Gally were fighting.

"I remember my name! I'm Thomas!" Yelled the greenie in excitement as he looked around him, everyone started cheering for him and started throwing their drinks in the air screaming and jumping, congratulating the boy named 'Thomas'. Jeff soon came back running towards Minho handing him the supplies before running back towards the cheering.

"So the greenie's name is Thomas, Newt and Thomas.. Newtmas! Perfect name to give these two!" She exclaimed happily looking down at Minho who cleaned the cut with a small smile, "you ship these two?" Asterin narrowed her eyes at him, "yes. I mean look at these two, they're adorable, Newt is so head over heels in love with him!"

Then the fire slowly started dying as everyone made their way to the Homestead to go rest she could see Thomas helping the drunk Newt to go to sleep, Newt on the other hand was telling him his whole life story before placing a kiss to the new boy's cheek,
Thomas blushed in response and said nothing but listen to the boy mumbling inaudible words.

"Did these shanks just leave us in the dark?" Minho rolled his eyes before helping the girl get off the counter with his hands on her waist as he lifted her easily, "I can get off myself, you know that right?" She said walking out of the kitchen, Minho smirked at the girl before standing in front of her making her bumping into him, her head hitting his chest as she looked up tilting her head slightly.

Even if it was dark she could see his beautiful eyes, and he could see her sparkly ones.

"If it was to get close to you, I'll do anything." She could hear the smirk in his tone as she chocked on her own spit, "okay~ you say that once again, you will sleep outside shank." She tried to sound brave and threatening (it wasn't working), thank god it was nighttime or else he'll see how hot and pink her cheeks are.


Asterin and Minho made their way out of the maze and were stopped by a worried Chuck, "you alright Chuck?" Minho narrowed his eyes sensing something bad happened when they were in the maze. "Ben..." Chuck panted heavily as he pointed towards the slammer where was a screaming Ben.

"Ben is stung." Asterin eyes widened as she immediately without second thoughts ran in search of Alby or Newt, Minho stopped dead in his track frozen, he couldn't move, his closest friend was going through the changing and was about to be banished.

𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞- Minho, The Maze Runner Where stories live. Discover now