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Newt was an absolute angel, he was smart, beautiful, strong, kind and can be rough when he had to keep order but still she absolutely adored him especially his accent and would always snicker quitely whenever he says 'bloody' after every sentence and if something happened to him, her whole life will be crushed and she will lose part of her.

And Newt on the other hand loved Asterin and would do anything to protect her, ever since her first day in the glade she got Newt's full attention and became his bestfriend and he knew he would follow her everywhere and will try his best to keep her safe—the same way as Thomas.

Thomas on the other hand treated Asterin as his older sister, she was older than him with only one year but still she will always be his older sister even if they weren't related at all, the way she supported him ever since he got here, the way she caught him staring at Newt from far, the way she cared for everyone.

Thomas felt like he was caught stealing whenever Newt catches him staring or whenever Asterin catches him blushing.
He loved the gladers, they were his only family.
Everything happened in the blink of an eye, the first thing he noticed from the distance was the familiar helicopter making its way towards then and Teresa trying to make him understand as he pushed her away harshly with a glare that rose Goosebumps all over the girl’s body, the guy she was in love with who never liked her back was staring at her with wide eyes full of hatred and at that moment she knew she lost him completely, A pinched face, frigid features, mouth twisted into a snarl as he stared at her in complete disbelieve, she tried to grab his wrist but he immediately pushed it away violently not caring that he almost broke her wrist, “Thomas let me-“ she spoke voice quivering, “How dare you” he replied threatening, he could’ve pushed her off the cliff but it wasn’t the moment not when he had to warn everyone.

As he ran he looked up watching as the helicopter got closer to the right arm and shot what seemed to be a bomb or a rocket as he yelled in panic and rage, “NO!” he ran faster than he ever did when he was chased by the grievers his family was there, staring in fear as the people ran around screaming, children crying while looking around for help as W.C.K.D burned the place up, he ran once again.

Asterin was confused as to how the fuck W.C.K.D just popped out of nowhere and started shooting the place, she immediately ran to the tent looking for Brenda who was nowhere to be found and nor Jorge, she was panicking especially when a guard suddenly wrapped his arm around her neck choking her, Asterin struggled to breathe, taking a knife from her pocket she stabbed the man straight in the neck watching him bleed heavily, The knife punched its way through his neck, causing a gaping hole in its wake that quickly filled with blood and gushed out. Grabbing her knife from his throat harshly she grabbed the electric gun that he used to shoot plenty of survivors. The man watched pleadingly at the girl who stared at him with not a single look of mercy.

“Die, mother fucker.” She said, the man was gasping for air and could feel the blood leaving his body and within 5 seconds he was dead.
Asterin joined Vince on the truck shooting any guard straight in the heart who tried to get any close to them or tried to shoot another survivor, Vince was surprised at her shooting skills especially how in every damn target she found a way to kill them immediately, the rage in her eyes was so strong that with only her eyes she could kill someone instantly, clenched jaw and bared teeth as she shot.

Bang, Bang, BANG! A bullet followed after another as she turned around swiftly especially keeping an eye on the gladers, she suddenly noticed the man behind Newt aiming his gun straight at the blonde boy who was busy looking around for Thomas.

A bang was suddenly shot towards the gladers and skillfully between Minho and Newt who immediately ducked down in fear, the bullet was shot straight into a man’s balls then another into his face Newt’s eyes snapped towards his savior seeing Asterin with a deadly look already focusing on other people to kill, Minho found her attractive with eyes that were like sharp knives, a gun in her hand as she tried to ignore the screaming of kids, the air was filled with gunshots, bloody screams from children, women, and men filling the hot air.

The gladers made their way towards Vince who handed them weapons and ordered them to cover him, grabbing two guns from her pocket she started shooting around along with the gladers their duty was to cover them, was it easy? Yes. It was like a piece of cake and Asterin felt like Natasha Romanov right now and she couldn’t help but smile wickedly at the bodies of the enemy falling to the ground, “hey, I’ll be right back!” she called putting the scarf Minho handed her around her nose and mouth to cover herself before swiftly making her way towards the guard that was holding a little girl crying for her mother.

she took her pocket knife placing it between her finger and made her way towards the man who noticed her presence, anger flashed in her eyes as everybody trembled in fear at her presence but kept his guard up, she kicked his gun from his hold, her feet slamming against his hold like a knife stabbing him as he could feel his hand trembling and reddening at the sharp hit, his blood ran cold as he watched with wide eyes as she spins and kicked him straight in the jaw throwing him to the ground with a loud thud that startled other guards.
Asterin watched as the guard who was supposed to be the general after Janson stood up grunting in pain stopping the guards surrounding them and ordered them to finish their jobs, he was fighting against a girl he trained and knew was stronger than any of those useless guards, knowing that he would lose he watched as she tilted her head to the side with murderous eyes, putting his hand fists out in front of her he watched her as she gestured him, to begin with, her finger, he did.

Like two scorpions in a bottle, he tried to punch her as Asterin skillfully dodged every hit like a wind, he grabbed her shoulders firmly and she grabbed his wrist pulling him with all her force and throwing him off her back she slammed him against the ground and held his neck firmly, chocking him, her nails pressed in his neck like spikes as he struggled against her hold a gasp leaving his lips as he could feel her hand tightening around him especially when he felt the knife stab in his chest violently, blood spraying in her face like paint as she stared deep into his soul watching as the light was leaving his eyes. “That’s for everything.” She spoke in rage.

Her voice was venomous as she released from the surrounded by a pool of blood, “Stay strong.” these were his last words before he let the death consume him, his body cold as she got off him staring with hatred, she backed away, not even a single blink of emotion in her eyes Asterin watched with not a single regret rushing through her veins but anger and revenge. Whenever she’s fighting it was as if a whole demon emerged from her body and the only thing in her mind was these 2 words only: murder and revenge.

She turned around looking for the gladers but her eyes immediately widened at the sight of her friends along with her boyfriend on the ground unconscious, she ran towards the boys and started shaking them awake but before she could even move to her brother she felt it, the electricity rushing through her body like a wave as she fell to the ground with a thud and a groan leaving her lips at the pain, she couldn’t even move a finger due to how sharp the shot was and how her eyes immediately started fluttering shut, it felt like she was getting drugged once again like an animal.

Her eyes were on Minho before the darkness consumes her, pain all over her body as she stretched her arm to grab Minho’s hand. She was scared, scared that it might happen again, terrified that she will be taken and tortured by W.C.K.D once again. But she couldn’t fight the pain anymore, not when she couldn’t feel anything anymore as if she was paralyzed. 

She could feel the tears stinging her eyes at the pain but she closed her eyes hooking Minho's finger softly around hers.

𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞- Minho, The Maze Runner Where stories live. Discover now