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Asterin was dragged by a guard but instead of sitting beside the gladers she was thrown in front of Janson who stared down ta her with a smirk watching as she lolled her head back mocking him, "well, well. The Ratman has finally decided to come out of his sewers." She said with a dry laugh, Janson towered over her trying to look intimidating but it didn't work and Asterin stared back at him with emotionless eyes. "I never thought you would be like that, you know like slutty?" he said earning a laugh from the guards, "well at least I have bitches not like you. But thank you." She snapped back, she has been called worse and him slut-shaming her didn't affect her.

The gladers, Harriet, Sonya and Vince smiled proudly at the girl's words but Minho was furious, how dare he call her slutty? If he wasn't tied down he could've killed Janson by now. His muscles were tensed; heart rate increased and he could feel the rage bubbling in his body. "Since when do you have a boyfriend?" asked Janson the girl once again, "since you're mom found out that her son was a mistake." She replied shrugging softly, 'ohh roasted' yelled the survivors while laughing at the man who stared at the girl with wide eyes.

A harsh slap cut the cheering short

Asterin looked to her side with a clenched jaw, her cheek was stinging so bad that she swore the slap will leave a mark, she looked up her eyes deadly, and brows curl over dark brown eyes and a harsh sigh left her lips, her body was shaking in anger and a scowl was on her face and in a blink of an eye she threw herself on Janson, a kick to his stomach and a punch straight in the jaw she watched as he fell to the ground with a loud groan, his nose was bleeding heavily and she grabbed his collar slamming his head violently against the ground a punch thrown to his face one after the other without even stopping for a second after. "I'LL KILL YOU!" she screamed at him.

A guard grabbed her harshly from their leader and pulled her away violently as if she was an animal and grabbed by the wrist tightly, she struggled against his hold kicking and punching but the guard was stronger and her head was slammed against the car beside and she was on her knees once again in pain away from the others, "where's Thomas?" asked Janson after gaining his consciousness and could feel the pain in his head as if he was hit with a hammer, his nose didn't stop from bleeding and he could tell she broke it since he couldn't even touch it. She didn't reply but stared at him with eyes that screamed 'murder', she didn't know where Thomas was and hoped that he would be safe but of course, he wasn't, the boy replied as if nothing was happening and stood with his hand up in surrender but she read him like an open book.

He had a plan in that smart mind of his, and as he was dragged by the guards towards Janson he shot her a wink which he always did whenever he had a plan. She nodded quietly and watched as he stood in front of the Ratman with pure hatred, the man placed his hand on the boy's shoulder with a wicked grin and in a blink of an eye he punched him in the stomach, she tried to reach him but couldn't not when the man holding her clenched her shoulders pressing her firmly to the ground, "get him in line." He sat beside Minho.

𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞- Minho, The Maze Runner Where stories live. Discover now