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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


The best thing about Frypan, was how he protected her no matter what. And they both shared one thing, caring for others and thinking about them before themselves.

Asterin peered down the hallway revealing a griever blocking their passage, "there's a griever blocking the way, get ready y'all, time to slice some motherfuckers." She said with a smile, she was excited, but was afraid. Chuck was panicking and Minho handed him the key gesturing for him to stay behind, "Chuck stay behind and keep it safe, yeah?" She spoke softly ruffling the boy's hair before glaring at Teresa who looked everywhere but her eyes.

"He's with you, if something happens to him-" Thomas placed his hand on her shoulder to calm her nerves and Asterin rolled her eyes back at him, "keep him safe, Teresa." Said Thomas with a much softer voice that made Asterin cringe, she wanted to give herself to the grievers at Thomas softness.

"We stay close, we stick together, we get through this, we get out now. But we die trying." His hand clenched around his spear and Asterin pulled out her own ones like two katanas tilting her head, she was ready and was smiling proudly at Thomas speech, "let's go!" With that they charged towards the griever who immediately made it's way towards them.

Everyone's weapon digged into the monster as they tried to throw it down the huge empty holes, one of the grievers leg tried to catch her and Asterin kicked breaking it, the griever couldn't walk, stabbing it's stomach she groaned in disgust at the sight of lungs spilling as soon as her weapon made contact with it's inside, the group pushed the monster, throwing it down the hole.

"That's fucking disgusting." She exclaimed breathing heavily, two other grievers appeared out of nowhere and were chasing Chuck and Teresa, the group shielded the duo who watched helplessly as they fought the two monsters that were bigger and stronger than them, "guys back up the walls behind are open!" She exclaimed backing away and still stabbing the monster that tried to grab or eat them.

The group did as told, "guys! The code, right numbers!" Exclaimed Teresa behind, Thomas was the only one that seemed to notice her, the others too busy fighting for their lives, "Hey Minho, Asterin!" Called the boy for the duo who were busy to find a way of killing it, "what?!" She replied without looking at him, "THE SEQUENCE! 8 NUMBERS!"

She understood what he meant and the code immediately was on her mind, "7!" Yelled Minho the first number leaving the rest to Asterin who without a second thought finished the rest, "1526-" before she could finish the numbers she was suddenly pulled by Newt by the collar and the next thing she saw was a griever on top of Minho trying to bite him off.

"MINHO!" She screamed for his name trying to push past the group and got help him but Frypan held her in his arms to prevent her from moving, Jeff  made his way towards the monster stabbing his spear into its head, Minho crawled back ward in fear and was pulled by Newt, Asterin watched in horror as Jeff was pulled and torn apart by the monsters lining behind.

𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞- Minho, The Maze Runner Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ