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The sound of someone waking them up startled the girl who opened one eye lazily, Minho was smiling down at the teenagers who were slowly waking up, "bit late greenie, you sure you don't want to set this one out?" Thomas scoffed with a slight smile and Asterin rolled her eyes. "Oh come on man get us out of here."

Minho's hand was in front of her and he pulled her up, Asterin head bumped his chest as she looked up with a sleepy smile on her lips, he smiled back at her before fixing her hair that was messy, Asterin letting him touch her hair. It was comforting, she needed to tell him, what?

That his hand anywhere on her body sent shiver down her spine and butterflies in her stomach

That he was her home?

That she always got the sudden urge to pull him and......kiss him?

But no. Her confidence vanished and died down whenever she thought about that sort of things, but she swore that she'll tell him one day, that he was lovely and brave guy that she wants to spend the rest of her life with and wants to always be in his arms.

Looking away with red cheeks, Asterin stared at herself in the mirror before fixing her harness, brown leather fingerless gloves, black sport bras that showed her perfect abs, dark grey cargo pants and lastly combat boots. Grabbing one of Minho's button blouse she wrapped it around her waist before making her way out of the room.

Standing between the duo she stared at the empty corridor with lazy eyes, "what a wonderful morning, to wake up and run in a suffocating place, exciting!" She exclaimed sarcastically before putting her hair in a high ponytail, "first day greenie, show us what you got." She ruffled his hair before running down the corridor leaving the boys behind.

Minho followed next and within seconds he was by her side as they both ran at the same time, Thomas shook his head at the duo before following them, left then right.


It was a very hot day in the glade and also in the maze especially as they ran the sun beaming out at them was painful and Asterin was regretting the whole becoming a runner idea, her eyes were wide as she stared at the unknown place, huge grey walls with number painted in red, she slowed her pace down and panted heavily.

The wall with the number 7 caught her eye as the trio made their way down the corridor, both the girl and the new runner looked around scrunching in disgust at the smell of metal, "it's strange." Minho's voice echoed around the walls, "what?" Said Thomas in confusion before jogging closer to him. Both the boys walking side by side.

Asterin found herself spacing off and looking around the place, her eyes trailed up the wall as they slightly widened at the sight of fresh blood on the walls it was as if the griever took a human being and dragged him the walls, it was disgusting, shivering slightly she turned to look at the boys who were ahead of her not even noticing her behind.

Rolling her eyes she ran towards the duo punching their shoulders, "if I ever die one day, y'all will not even notice my disappearance." A sigh left her lips as she followed them behind, they really are forgetting her? "7 is not supposed to be open for another week." His intelligence, Minho was so smart that he drew a whole maze and knows every path.

The rocks crushed under her boots as she walked close behind, "what the hell is this place?" She asked staring weirdly at the walls that looked like blades, "we call em' blades." Replied Minho looking between the blades fron left to right, Minho suddenly stopped and Asterin bumped into his back staring at the ripped clothing that belonged to not other than Ben.

Crouching beside him she examined the torn shirt with disgust, there was still blood on it "it's Ben's isn't it?" Said Thomas on the other side stealing the question that was forming in her lips, "yeah..." guilt was written all over the boy's face and she couldn't help but grab his hand that was on his side squeezing it slightly, "it's alright, Minho, may he rest in peace." She whispered slightly.

"A griever must've pulled him down here." He said, his hand intertwined with hers as they both got up, the sudden sound of the device behind making a sound startles Thomas who was staring at the boy's harness, he grabbed the machinery that was inside of the monster, the beeping coming from the device echoed around the walls and both Minho and Asterin looked at each other with raised eyebrow before following the boy who was moving staring at the device, the beeping speeding as they got closer to a corridor.

The beeping got quicker as they turned to the left where a huge corridor was with nothing on the sides and a circle at the very end, making their way towards the rounded opening Asterin watched as Minho placed his hand on the slimy liquid.

Scrunching her nose in disgust she backed, "why is it that you always touch disgusting shit!" She scolded harshly staring at the liquid dripping from his hand and onto the ground, "grievers." That was the only word that was uttered from the black haired boy lips as a sudden red dot appeared at the center of the hole, what seems to be a laser passed by then as the trio backed away in fear.

A ring startled the girl who turned around, her hear was beating so fast as she looked around, "the hell was that?" Even Minho was confused, another ringing startled Asterin who lets out a scream, the alarm was echoing around the maze and she swore that the glade probably also heard it.

"We gotta get out of here." That was Thomas first words as he looked around the place, "yeah no shit sherlock holmes, of course we gotta get out of here!" She yelled running down the corridor, now it was her turn to leave them behind she could hear Minho ordering Thomas to hand him the key, the walls started closing behind the boys as they ran catching up with Asterin who was trying so hard not to look back.

The blades in front of her started closing and she couldn't feel her legs anymore as she ran, Thomas was grunting behind the girl as he ran dodging between the blades, they seemed to be forming a wall to try and trap them and seemed to be working since Asterin suddenly stopped dead as a blade was about to slice her, her and Thomas were together and separated from Minho who was calling out for them.

Asterin suddenly grabbed the boy's wrist and pulled him with her between the blades smoothly, Minho caught her in his arms and they all started running again, the adrenaline rushing through her veins was high and she couldn't feel her body anymore except the sound of her heart drumming in her ears as heavy breathing left her lips.

"Can this get any fucking worse!" She exclaimed the panic clear in her voice.

𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞- Minho, The Maze Runner Where stories live. Discover now