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Walking inside the room, the gladers were greeted by a man fiddling with what seemed to be a radio or some sort, Brenda threw herself on the bed and Asterin slightly grabbed her pocket knife and hid it under her sleeve, the man turned around revealing himself with his hands on his hips, "Do you ever get the feeling the whole world's against you?" He spoke.

"I mean, everytime. This world is a fucking mess and also a bitch, so i'mma answer yes." Said Asterin shrugging slightly her shoulder as if his question was no big deal, the man Brenda called 'Jorge' nodded at her reply and slowly grabbed some whiskey from the table. "See, someone finally understands. Three questions: Where did you come from? Where are you going? How can I profit?"

Asterin and Minho looked at Thomas with a raised eyebrow, the bot onnyje other hand rolled his eyes, "don't answer all at once" said Jorge pouring the bitter drink on the glass cup, "alright fine, no one wants to answer I will." Huffed the black haired girl in annoyance at the silence roaming the room, she was smart and knows what to say, the 3 questions reminded her of the 3 rules Alby told her back in the glade and he reminded her of the poor leader who sadly passed away.

"We're heading for the mountains looking for the right arm." Laughter came from everyman in the room and the girl grew irritated and turned to look at them, "was that supposed to be funny? Cause it ain't, now let me finish my god damn answer and shut the fuck up." Jorge was surprised by the sudden aggressiveness coming from the girl and noticed the men falling silent as soon as those words left her lips.

"You're looking for ghosts to me." He said taking a sip from the drink, Asterin had a snarl in her face and did nothing but clench the dagger in her hand keeping it hidden, "to you but not to us, besides i don't give a damn about your opinion nor anyones in this room." She replied watching with fear as he walked up closer to her, Minho and Thomas on her sides.

"Question number 2: where did you come from?" He asked watching as the trio looked at each other clearly reading their minds before Minho replied in annoyance, "that's our business." She immediately knew that it was a bad idea especially when he cocked his eyebrow at the teenagers, a man suddenly grabbed her from beside and Asterin move was quick she took the dagger in her hand and punched the man straight into his face throwing him to the ground, another tried to grab her but she already kicked his leg and sent him flying to the ground.

She could see the gladers on the ground held captive by the men and what seemed to be a pistol on the back of their neck, "shut up, you big baby." Said Brenda holding Thomas head tightly as a green lazer came out of the testing thing, Asterin on the other hand fought every man who came towards her hand to hand.

She slammed one against the wall in rage and kept punching the shit out of him until he blacked out, Jorge was watching quietly very impressed by her combat and especially how angry she was. Blood on the corner of her lips as she let the unconscious man slide down the wall and fall to the room, her knife was thrown and she couldn't find it anywhere but before she could move a man charged towards her.

Asterin usually relies on acrobatic and agility moves but this time she relies more on the brute strength, letting the anger take over her body and showing her real skills that she didn't know she had, she struggled against the man's hild who was so much bigger than her and stronger, turning to the right with a gasp leaving her lips she could feel his hand tightening around her neck, the sight of a scissor caught her eyes and Asterin kicked his balls before grabbing the scissor, just as he was about to attack her.

She sliced his neck open and threw him off the room and onto the ground hearing a thud coming from him and screams. She turned to look at Jorge with murderous eyes and still held the bloody scissor. The gladers stared at the girl in complete shock and fear.

This wasn't the usual Asterin they loved and cared about people. She was a murderous assassin who just fought 5 man and just killed one. Minho on the other hand had wide eyes as he stared at the girl in awe, she was hot especially when blood was on her face.

Was he crazy to find that attractive?


Asterin didn't notice her move nor that she defeated 5 men but only walked over to Jorge holding the scissor before she could attack a man already grabbed her and slammed her head against the desk taking the scissor from her hand and throwing it off, the black haired girl struggled against him and tried to kick him off her but stopped once her cheek was facing the ground.

She panted heavily and eventually gave up, the gladers in the back yelling at him to let her go, Minho suddenly kicked the man holding him and ran towards the man holding his girl furiously, punching the man straight in the face maling him instantly bleed, he kept punching repeatedly until Brenda had to pull him away.

It was a mess and before she knew it the gladers were dragged away from the scene and taken somewhere leaving Asterin calling out for their name, Jorge brought the girl amd sat her on the chair wrapping a rope around her body, Fry was calling for his dister in panic so does everyone (except Teresa).

Jorge sat in one of the chairs in front of her while crossing his arms in front of his chest trying to look threatening and scary in which didn't work, Asterin only stared at him coldly sitting at the chair feeling, "do you work for W.C.K.D?" He asked the girl who could feel the blood on thr corner of her mouth but only chuckled dryly.

"No. Me? With W.C.K.D hah, funny joke."

"You're very valuable."

"Listen, i didn't mean to kill your man mor want to fight any of them but just to let you know, that if W.C.K.D find you, they'll kill every damn person in this building, I swear to god and they would do anything to get us back, they are the worst and only want us as test object and please just let me go to them and i will answer any question you want. But please, don't hurt them." She said staring at him.

God, her eyes glarig at him where like the lucofer painting, she was pleadong for him to let her go, "they woudl yry to kill you especially Brenda knowing that she's your weakness. Trust me, we can have a deal." She said looking over to thr girl who was quite surpirsed by how she knew her relation with Jorge. "You're sneaky, an amazing fighter and will be ana amazing weapon. If you betray us, your friends are dying and your boyfriend first." He said gesturing for Brenda to take off the rope from around her.

Asterin stood in front of Jorge with her hand out and with an innocent grin om her lips, he took her hand on his and shook it, "we have a deal, hermana. Don't disappoint me." She nodded in reply, then she heard the helicopter indicating that W.C.K.D is here, Brenda stood beside Jorge who stared at the huge helicopter/jet out the window, "what are you gonna do now?" Jorge turned towards the girl with a smirk, "i'm gonna play them my favorite song."

Asterin was confused but could hear him gesturing for her to get the gladers in which he called kids, "oh shit.." muttered Brenda before running past Asterin pulling her along, Brenda fiddled in her drawer and pulled a gun out of it, handing Asterin one both the girls made their way were they were supposed to be hiding her friends.

The man she and Minho glared earlier at was pointing his gun at Thomas suddenly caught her eyes, a trigger suddenly went off and Thomas backed away in fear pulling Newt behind him.if he was shot, the man fell to the ground groaning in pain before turning to look at who shot him in the leg, Asterin smiled innocently at him before kicking him straight into the face throwing him to the huge hole where he immediately was eaten by cranks.

His bloody screams was satisfying.

Frypan wrapped his arm around his sister before staring at Brenda with a glare, "okay Fry, we gotta go, hurry your ass up let's go!" She exclaimed follwoing behind Brenda holding the gun tight in her hand and ran, Minho suddenly grabbed the girl's wrist and looked everywhere for any sign of injury, Asterin smiled back at him with worry, "I'm fine. We need to hurry."

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