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Here they are back from the city and here stood Asterin turning around in worry and biting her nails, she could feel the anger bubbling in her veins and her hand trembled in anger.

Everyone thought that she and Thomas would never fight, yet here they stood yelling at each other, Asterin 's words were right but him being stubborn was getting on her nerves so everyone, "Am I missing something? this is the same girl who betrayed us, correct? Same dick?" she said, shaking her head at the two glaring at each other.

"I like her."

Frypan rolled his eyes at Gally's words trying to keep his jealousy from getting over him, "I don't care what you're gonna say about that bitch, Thomas. The plan is to kidnap her whether you like it or not!" she raised her voice at the boy who only glared back at her.

"and she will die, I will kill her myself." she resumed her words shooting him a nasty look, "God, you sound like a murderer! you're just jealous cause she's smarter than you!" His words were harsh and Asterin could feel her heart sink in her stomach in disbelief.

Everyone stared at Thomas in disbelief and turned to look at Asterin's expression, she froze and stood silent. 'murderer' was what Janson and the rest of the teenagers her age used to call her and these words coming out of Thomas's mouth were like a knife stabbing her heart.

She clenched her fists feeling her nails dig into her skin, rage throbbed in her like a heartbeat as she stared at him straight in the eyes watching as he immediately softened once he noticed his harsh words, "and you know what you sound like? a fucking kid who still can't get over a girl who betrayed us all AND IS THE FUCKING REASON WHY THEY TOOK MINHO- you know what we call someone like you, who don't think before talking? a fool and a pussy." her burst startled everyone, especially Thomas who opened his mouth trying to apologize.

"don't you dare talk to me." She said clearly hurt by his words but still didn't show it, making her way out of the room Asterin ignored her brother calling out for her.

Thomas cursed under his breath for being such an asshole, "shit." everyone stared at him in annoyance, and then he noticed Newt's eyes, narrowed in anger, "what, are you afraid your little girlfriend's gonna get hurt? hmm? Because this has obviously never been just about rescuing Minho. Has it?" Thomas turned to fully face Newt with narrowed eyes, "wait what are you talking about?"

Newt straightened his posture and also slowly crept towards Thomas who gulped once he noticed the flicker of fury in those eyes he loved to stare at, "Teresa." her name was uttered from his lips venomous and full of hatred, "she's the only reason that Minho's even missing in the first place." His voice raised by the second as he stepped towards Thomas who backed away in fear.

Newt was yelling at him and it was terrifying.

"Now we finally have an opportunity to get him back And what? You don't want to because of her?" Thomas suddenly felt the wall behind him stopping him from moving any further and the boy didn't know what to do except stare at Newt in complete worry. "Because deep down inside you still care about her, don't you? Just admit it." their faces were dangerously close to each other as Thomas froze not knowing what to answer.

"newt, I-" he stuttered suddenly feeling Newt grab him by the collar aggressively and slam him against the wall, "DON'T LIE TO ME!" he yelled slamming him against the wall and staring at his eyes, anger overpowered him and rage overtook him, a rather rare thing to see coming from Newt.


Thomas stared at the second in command in worry, not caring that he got yelled at but completely understood why but Newt's anger was something unusual. realizing what he's done Newt slowly let go of the boy's collar trembling in fear that he might've hurt Thomas, the love of his life.

"Sorry." he muttered to the frozen boy looking down, "I'm sorry." he turned around apologizing to the rest of the gladers who only stare at the scene in front of them, and with that, he walked away, "great Thomas, you really have to fuck everything up," said Jorge in annoyance.

Great, he lost Asterin who's like his older sister, now Newt, the love of his life. "NEWT!" he called following after the blonde second in command.


Newt sat on the rooftop staring at the walls in front of him, Thomas's footsteps could be heard behind him and Newt turned to face the boy, "sorry about that. back there." he said softly staring back at the walls, "I guess I can't hide this anymore." he said lifting his sleeve slowly up revealing the black veins slowly creeping up his arm, Thomas's eyes widened and he could feel his heart stop beating for a second.

"Why didn't you tell me?" asked Thomas, his voice slightly shaking in fear, Newt ignored his question instead just went straight for the topic, "I was surrounded by darkness. and then you came up in the box and I knew I had light again," he said, getting up from the ground and slowly made his way towards Thomas standing at least 5 feet away from him.

Thomas being the oblivious idiot that he always is, "what do you mean?" he asks the blonde who pulls down his sleeve and try to find the perfect words to say it, "what I'm trying to say is, that I like you, Tommy. like...I'm in love with you. Ever since you came up in the box, I knew I would follow you anywhere you go." Newt watched as Thomas's mouth fell open as he stared back at Newt in awe.

"I- I don't want to say other than I'm also in love with you, so much." Newt had a beautiful wide smile on his lips and so does Thomas, making three grand steps, Newt placed both his hands cupping Thomas's cheeks, and pulled him towards him, his lips pressing against his for the first time, warm and lovely.

Thomas could taste their shared breath, feel the thud of their combined heartbeat as he wrapped his arms around Newt's neck pulling him dangerously close towards him if that's possible, his eyes fluttered shut as he could feel Newt's fingers carding through his hair making him blush under the older boy.

before anything could get heated more than it already is.

Newt pulled away, smiling proudly at a very flushed Thomas. His cheeks were pink and hot while Newt smirked proudly at the reaction he got.

"don't worry about me, Tommy. This is about Minho. Now he needs us. So if there is even the slightest chance that we can save him, we can get him out of there, then we have to take that. and I don't want to see Asterin broken or crying anymore."

Thomas nodded and slowly took off his arms that were wrapped around him with a smile, Newt nodded reassuringly at him, and before walking away Thomas made his way once again towards the blonde after gathering his courage, he kissed his lips once again, His lips were still sweet from the coffee he took earlier.

"I love you so much.." he whispered against the boy's lips making him smile brightly, "and I promise you that we'll find a cure and we'll both live together happily after all this shit ends, I love you, Newt.. promise me, that you'll never leave me-"

Newt froze, with the virus spreading around his body he couldn't promise, thinking that he will be gone from this world, "Thomas, No-"

"promise me." Thomas ordered his now boyfriend who nodded trying so hard not to meet his eyes, "I promise..." he replied sighing heavily.



𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞- Minho, The Maze Runner Where stories live. Discover now