Chapter 77

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Consilium Supremum

The Final Plan

7:00 pm

A silence ensued in which everybody processed what they heard. Then, the guy in front of him asked,

- So... nine o'clock. - Raphael nodded. - And then we'll have fifteen minutes to escape along with the group of students that help me turn the power off if need be. But will they truly need to escape with me? -

Raphael would've answered him at once, however, Taehyung had slowly begun to look at him like an angry bull ready to pounce.

- Just take them out of here, Garrett. Take them to your land and keep them safe, or is that too hard for you? - Taehyung asked with calm venom in his voice.

The guy named Garrett didn't look at him as he answered, stifling a wince.

- I would have to talk to my superiors. I'm not allowed to–

!YOU–... are going to do what he's telling you. And do it perfectly. Then... after I know you've taken them all out safely, I'll talk with your superiors. Got it? -

What a nasty temper. Raphael frowned looking at him.

Garrett greeted his teeth, plainly hating how he was being treated, but answered nevertheless.

- Yes... I got it. - He bit back.

- We have to move. Now. - Ordered Rapahel, and they all began the plan.

- Wait. - Taehyung suddenly said, frowning down at the floor as if he'd just thought of something. Then he looked back up, angry again. - No one realized Jungkook wouldn't know where to go once he's out. -

Raphael stepped towards him and turned to wave Namjoon to get closer as well.

- You're right Taehyung. We're in a rush, I apologize. Namjoon, could you tell us where Garrett would exit if he continues going in a straight line in the corridors downstairs? -

From the corner of his eye, he saw Garrett turning to him but otherwise kept staring at Namjoon's frown as he thought.

- If he keeps going straight... Yes! - His eyes widened then he looked at Garrett. - You'll find a black glass door like the one where you go in. It exits in the corridor after the cafeteria. -

- Perfect. - Garrett nodded. - Jungkook would be running back to the Students' living area through that corridor and I'll meet him there. - He looked back at Taehyung for confirmation.

They all looked at him, at his frown, at the way the anger in his eyes would have easily been anguish with the way his neck was tensing up as he held his breath. He was looking straight at Garrett.

- With the alarm, we'll all be forced to leave our apartments, including him. I'll meet Jungkook... and tell him to leave through that corridor. Tell him, Garrett, that you'll have to run... but don't tell him I'm not coming. He won't leave. - The more he spoke, the fainter he looked. The fire of anger slowly simmered down to the gloom he was currently trying to hold back.

But Raphael could see, clear as anything, that this separation, however short it could be, was simply too much on top of everything else. This was not a friend, and Raphael found himself glad that Jungkook had someone at last. Even if that moment of glee was fastly obscured by the fact that he'll be separated from this person exactly when he needs him most.

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