Chapter 71

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(Part 1)

People's lives are intertwined like threads. And sometimes the thread saps, leaving behind a hole we'll try to hide beneath a patch.

There are times we don't realize the new thread is too thin to tie it properly with ours, and still, we make bonds without figuring they're not strong and won't hold for long. So, when it finally gives and the fabric falls apart between unbelieving fingers, the blame will be wrongly put, for we never realized where the problem lay in the first place.

Alex loved him. She loved him deeply, passionately, consumingly, and never realized her love was wrong. She never realized she was possessive, she never realized she was jealous, she never realized she was harsh, she never realized she was hurtful; because, for her, she did it all out of love. So, when the fabric fell apart, when she saw the future she'd envisioned since she came of age at fifteen will never be; when she looked into his eyes and saw reflected in those tears a person she couldn't recognize, she blamed him. She blamed him for her pain, blamed him for the crushing of her dreams, blamed him for being disloyal, blamed him for making her unsteady Warrior Core fire up in hatred. She blamed him for robbing her of the last person who made life worth a damn.

For her, it was his own fault he was crying and bleeding and pleading and passing out. For her, he was nothing but the guy who broke her heart and he deserved to suffer like she was. For her and her blistering hatred, it was music to hear him begging for death. And she smiled at his pain because, for her, his pain was the only reason she was living now, as short as her life may be from now on.

He'd been the last person keeping her from surrendering to the pulling in her Core. So, now that she didn't love him anymore, she didn't care.

Warrior Cores draw power from the fiery center of the earth. Imagine that power being pulled twice as hard by a single body whose only source of cooling down the fire was the same that ignited it.

If Garrett's saviors don't hurry, he will die.

Rewind three hours and forty minutes:

2:30 pm

Macaria and Draven were flying ahead, running through the woods nearly on all fours, the only sound coming from their feet barely touching the ground. Yoongi ran behind them, arms tucked in tight and moving as fast as his legs, avoiding any tree and fallen blanch without having to jump as much as the twins, and barely making any sound at all.

Hoseok was behind all of them, only able to follow because he could still see them in the distance, breathing fast and hard thru his open mouth, avoiding any fallen branch because he knew he would lose momentum if he tried to jump, legs already burning along with his lungs as he ran as fast as he could but could barely keep them at eye view. He was a Wisdom Core, he barely had any field training with how much time he spent in libraries and with his computer as well as being generally weaker than his clan. But he pushed on and on and on, knowing that by the end there will be Garrett and he'll need him to be there just as much as he needs to see him still alive.

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