Chapter 52

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Gravi Capitis Dolore

A Heavy Headache

Garrett took him at a fast pace straight to the rooms without a word. Some people who weren't in the cafeteria just now were looking panic-stricken in the corridors, and, as they entered the living area and went up the stairs, Jungkook could hear hysterical sobbing and loud talking coming from inside the arcade room. They passed it all and simply went up and up the stairs to the third floor and straight to J's room.

Jungkook could feel how his pulse was flying through his veins while his heart kept beating at the pace of a bird's wings, and even though his focus was sharp, he couldn't help but think of Taehyung and wonder if he had seen that, or even Jimin. How must Jimin be feeling in this cloud of fear?

Garrett knocked harshly twice on the door.

- It's Garrett. -

At once, the door opened by August. Wide-eyed and tense. He said nothing as he let them in, this time knowing that Jungkook was there as well. Once they were inside, the door closed and he locked it.

Jungkook had absolutely no idea why he had agreed on coming here. He knew it was simply because he wanted to feel like he had a purpose and yet he also knew that these people were... weird. However, he still looked around at the screens, they were all on and dizzying though only one had his volume turned on.

In that one second after they entered and the door closed, an angry shout startled him.

- You're drained, Garrett! - August screamed at him, but then Garrett lifted a hand and screamed back without turning to him.

- I don't wanna hear it, Yoongi! -


- Jungkook. - J caught his attention sharply as he neared him as fast as he could. - Tell me the time and date, now. - He commanded him, desperate and sharply, wide-eyed as well.

Jungkook, breathing fast and harsh, pursed his lips as he looked over J's shoulder to one of the screens and saw the time on the corner of it. He knew it was all ridiculous and unbelievable, but still, without hesitation, he opened his mouth and said,

- Half-past one in the afternoon of the fifteenth of September, two-thousand and nineteen. -

As if a blow of solid air had hit them in the stomach, Jungkook saw the three of them losing their breaths. And, as he saw Yoongi and J straightening slowly to look at him, Garrett turned around sharply.

All three were looking at him with their eyes nearly popping out of their sockets and saying absolutely nothing.

Jungkook took a tentative step back only because this just turned even weirder. Yet, at once, Yoongi took a step toward him as he took a sharp intake of breath, but other than that, he stayed put, looking as if he had no idea how he should react. J on the other hand, spoke to Garrett as he stared right at him.

- Call your father. -

Jungkook didn't have to ask if he was indeed who they were looking for because their reactions had summarized as much. And he was in half a mind to leave this absurdity.

However, he saw Garrett taking his phone out of his pocket to make the call and now he couldn't help but feel fear rising up in him. The same fear that just this morning had caused him a panic attack in the bathroom stall of the gym; the fear of being taken away. The fear of not knowing what was going on. Because, even if he thought it was far-fetched, for them it was real.

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