"Jay, you go first with Antonio."

I walked into the room to see her normally tanned face, turned pale. Her chest was rising and falling slowly as the low sound of the machine beeped. She was sat up at a slight angle but not straight enough to crush her ribs or cause her any pain. She looked peaceful.

"God. This is all my fault." I said.

"Woah. How is it your fault? You tried to help."

"Not hard enough."

"You did everything you could but each time she would push you away."

"I know but I still feel bad." I said as I took her hand in mine.

I felt a smaller hand clasp mine as small coughs came from Kat. She looked around in shock as she tried to breathe without choking. She would be fine but she kept panicking, causing her breathing to be cut short.

Antonio had left to get Ethan or Crockett when a few minutes later, they both walked through the door.

"Hey, Kat. Calm down, okay?" Said Crockett as he approached her and moved me out of the way.

"I'm going to take this out now. It will be a bit uncomfortable but I promise I will make it quick." Said Ethan as he took apart some of the bits.

He was pulling the tube out of her throat when she attempted to sit up whilst choking. Crockett pushed her back down to make sure she didn't cause herself any pain when she let out a cry and wrapped her arm around her stomach.

I went to hand her a glass of water but she was too weak to take it so I held it for her and slowly poured the liquid into her mouth.

She gave me a small nod to tell me she had, had enough and that she wanted me to put the water down.

"Kat, I'm just going to ask you a few questions. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine." She croaked out, her throat still a little dry.

"Do you know what day it is?"

"Sunday. I think. Maybe Saturday."

"Okay and can you tell me the last thing you remember?"

She paused for a second as if she was playing a flashback in her mind. She went to speak but then caught herself and stayed silent.

"Kat?" Asked Ethan.

"We won't judge you, okay? We just really need to know. It's the question we have to ask." Said Crockett.

"My dad was throwing glasses at the wall, above my head."

"Okay. Thank you, Kat. Any problems, ask someone to page me or Ethan."

"Okay." She whispered before resting her head against the pillow as they left.

"God. I was so worried, Kat."

"I had to get more than one witness." She said.

"We would believe you any day."

"You won't believe me when I say it wasn't a break in."

"We know it wasn't a break in. Bella told us after her memory of that night had came back."

"I'm glad." Coughed Kat as she winced in pain.

"Are you okay?"

"No. I'm struggling to breathe." She gasped.

I ran out of the room, looking around for the others. They all gave me a startled look as I told them to page Crockett and Ethan.

A few seconds later, they were both running out of the lift and into Kat's room.

"What's wrong?"

"She said she is struggling to breathe and she's clutching her stomach." Explained Antonio.

The two doctors gave each other a look before they turned to Kat.

"You're broken ribs are pressing on your lungs. We have to pull you rib cage down and back where the ribs are supposed to be."

"Will she be sedated?" Asked Antonio.

"No." Said Ethan.

Her face turned to pure shock as she tried moving away from the two doctors.

"Kat? We need you to stay still."

"No. No. No. You're not doing it." She cried.

"You'll be in less pain."

"I don't care. It's not happening."

"Kat, you will stop breathing if we don't do this. Take Jay's hand for us and take a deep breath."

They cut a small line across her stomach and Crockett reached his hand up and into her body. He found her rib cage and looked at the X-ray machine above him as he carefully clapsed his hands around the strongest bones and pulled down, quickly.

Kat screamed out in pain as Crockett pulled her ribs into place and off of her lungs. She gasped a few times as she caught her breath back.

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked.

"She will be now." Said Ethan.

Crockett asked if she was okay and all she gave him was a thumbs up before she laid her head down on the pillows and fell asleep.

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