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Naruto got out the hospital 3 months later. He had healed all his broken bones and his open cuts closed. He and Sasuke have been planning the wedding and moving into the house.

Naruto and Sasuke both agreed on having a big wedding because of the opening of Naruto taking the company and sasukes new business opening. Not only will it bring an alliance with the uchihas abut the uzumakis.

Everybody important would need to be there. The hypha's, yamanakas, Nara's, and other important people. Naruto was able to get in contact with his old friends from the club and they agreed to go to his wedding.

Sasuke over the 4 months was able to fully understand the loss of his friend. He and shikamaru had a full week to grieve the death of their friends.
The wedding was coming up faster than they both expected. Naruto was having cold feet as the time came by.

It is the day before the wedding. Naruto and Sasuke haven't seen each other since 2 days ago. Naruto took the kids and went to the hotel they was staying at. Sasuke went with his brother and his family. They have all been stressing about this big day.

Naruto was sitting in his dress crying in his room. He was over thinking it all. He and Sasuke have been living togther, sleeping in the same room, eating dinner and breakfast together to strengthen their bond but Naruto had doubt in the back of his head.

Kurama walked in on Naruto. He hugged Naruto. "Shh it's okay." Kurama said patting Naruto's back. "Kurama what if I made a mistake, what If he betrays me again or what if he hurts the kids?" Naruto cried in kurama hold. He was scared.

Deidera walked in the room. "They started the music get ready to walk down." Naruto started to panic how could he walk down the aisle with puffy eyes and bad make up. "No, no I can't do this," Naruto panicked.

Kurama and deidera hurried and wiped Naruto's face to make sure there was no trace of his crying. They fixed his make up and deidera went outside. Naruto and kurama got ready to walk down the aisle.

Kurama walked Naruto to Sasuke and the wedding started they both held each other's shaking hands. Naruto cried but not tears of happiness but of regret. He regretted everything he did so far. It was time to say their vows and I do's but Naruto just couldn't.

Flash backs entered his mind. How Sasuke used Naruto's virgin body that night. How Naruto suffered the pregnancy alone. How depressed and alone he felt before his perfect children was born. He still felt danzos touch when he asked to quit. He still heard everything he called him.

He remembered having to go nights without eating just to make sure his kids ate. Even on bad days they all didn't eat. While naruto was struggling Sasuke was having a good life. Naruto started to shed more tears thinking about all the bad things Sasuke has done.

"It's okay just breathe." Sasuke whispered to Naruto. Naruto heard the concern and gentleness I'm his voice and smiled. He said his voews and it was time to seal the deal with a kiss. He and Sasuke kissed like nobody was there.

Naruto and Sasuke both felt the worries they both had but it all went away. They felt free, safe and lost of all loved on each other's hands. They broke the kids and looked at everybody clapping. Naruto smiled he wanted this his whole life.

The reception party was nice a lot of alcohol was present so they hired a babysitter for the kids. Naruto and Sasuke would also be leaving for their honeymoon soon. Itachi talked to Sasuke about options he had for their joint company and kurama talked to Naruto about self defense over all it was great.

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