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Naruto woke up all in pain. He couldn't move his bottom half of his body. He rolled on his sides and started crying, he felt so dirty and he hated himself for not putting up a fight or even calling for help.

Naruto eventually cried himself to sleep. He was to tired to even get up to eat when he was hungry, that's how he spent the whole day. Depressed on his bed. Naruto's phone died but he didn't have the energy to get up to charge it. He was happy that he had nobody who cared about him so he didn't have to deal with anybody coming and asking if he was okay.

Gaara on the other the other hand was dealing with everything he didn't know what to do. He went home and cried on his bed. He would be quitting that job tomorrow but he didn't know what Naruto would do. Was the child safe? Naruto was 4 months pregnant. Gaara just decided to stay quiet about everything and move away that would be best for him and lee.

Naruto didn't go to any doctors appointments he had in the next month. He didn't eat nor did he sleep much, when he closed his eyes he had flashbacks about his boss. Naruto started getting bad stomach cramps 2 weeks after all that happened. Kurama and tsunade went to go check up on him but Naruto didn't talk to them. He felt numb, he also hated the child in his belly.

To Naruto that child was the reason that happened to him. Naruto hated it. He thought about killing it so many times and even tried once but he just couldn't go threw with it. Naruto just decided to give the child away when it was born.

The 5 months later. Naruto has started eating. He needed to after he passed out in month 6 of his pregnancy. But Naruto still hated eating, sleeping, and even moving out from his bed. Kurama has to pay for his house bills because Naruto didn't leave his house to make money. Naruto didn't even buy any baby supplies he is so stuck on hating the child and giving it away.

Naruto was laying in his bed when he got a bad cramp. Lately he has been getting cramps but tsunade said it was normal because he was about to give birth. Naruto got up to use the bathroom when he was at the bathrooms door a pool of blood came from his legs. His water broke. Naruto also had a wave of pain hit him. He yelled out, his phone was on his bed but he didn't want to move to get it.

Naruto sat down on the floor and undressed himself, he opened his legs ready for the child to come. Naruto laughed at himself he was a male he couldn't push the baby out. Naruto cried and yelled again when another wave hit. He watched videos about C-sections because tsunade told him but he didn't think he could do it on himself. Naruto didn't know what gender baby he was holding or anything he didn't want to know.

Naruto couldn't take the pain any longer and grabbed the blade in the bathroom and cut the bottom of his stomach. Blood rushed out of him spreading on the floor. He grabbed a towel and bit into it. He stopped himself from yelling loudly. He continued cutting lick the video showed. He cried, the pain was to much. He almost passed out but he pulled himself together.

He put his hand inside the cut he made on his belly and felt around for the child he felt it and pulled it out. Naruto bit hard into the towel he was regretting everything. He pulled the baby out and held it close to his chest. He pat it's back and it cried. Naruto felt the pain again and went back to search for more kids. He felt a small child and pulled it out. Naruto cried he looked at the bloody mess they all was in.

He was laying in his own pool of blood and his children was covered in blood. Naruto vision was getting blurry. For some reason Naruto couldn't go without hearing them cry. So he cut their umbilical cord and pat their backs. He heard both of them crying so he smiled. The first child had raven hair and Naruto's whiskers and Naruto's royal baby blue eyes.

The second baby had raven hair but black eyes. Naruto cried he gave birth to a cute boy and girl. Naruto didn't want to go but he knew his time was over, he was bleeding to much and he lost so much blood. He didn't want to leave his children. Naruto held them close to give them warmth it wasn't much but it should help them. Naruto closed his eyes and prayed. "Please if there is a god out there, help me. I promise to love and care for those children. Please don't let me die."

Naruto chuckled he knew that praying didn't mean anything. Naruto kissed his children and layed back and rested. "I love you guys both so much I am sorry that I will be leaving you."

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