chapter 19- revelation

Start from the beginning

'Good morning Natsu-san, Happy-san', Juvia laughed embarrassed while waving. (Just smile and wave boys... just smile and wave)

'Good to see you here, Juvia!' Natsu was able to push Gray away and walked up to Juvia, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. 'Did Gray finally make a move?'

Gray stood a few meters away but could faintly hear the whispered question. 'Oi Natsu! Stick that nose of yours somewhere else!' Gray balded his fist.

'Not denying anything?' Natsu kept teasing.

'Gray-sama didn't. But Juvia doesn't want Natsu-san touching her', she lifted the arm from her shoulder.

'What are you doing here anyway, Natsu?' Gray wanted him out his apartment as soon as possible.

'I'm just wondering if you wanted to join us on a quest again. We haven't since you brought Rose home.'

Gray glanced over at Juvia. She signed him it was alright. Luckily Natsu didn't notice.

'Sure, count me in'.

'Great! Let's go to guild. We haven't picked a quest yet.' Natsu started running away with Happy following him with a loud 'Ayyy!'

Gray and Juvia followed the enthusiastic boy to the guild. They tried to keep up with Natsu's pace but were left alone after a little minute.

'Gray-sama, could you slow down? Juvia's feet hurt again', she flinched when she felt a sharp pain.

'Let me take a look at it', Gray leaded her to a bench so he could take off her shoes. 'Your feet are a bit swollen... Shouldn't it have stopped hurting by now?'

'Every pregnancy is different', Juvia defended herself.

'You should go to the doctor, just to be safe'.

Juvia nodded. 'I'll come with you if you'd like that', Gray added.

Juvia nodded again while Gray helped her putting on the shoes. After that he turned around and knelt down, showing his back. 'Jump on'.

The watermage quickly turned red. 'It doesn't hurt that much'.

'Don't lie', he looked at her. 'Now jump on'.

Juvia wrapped her arms around his neck while Gray supported her legs. It wasn't that far anymore to the guild. Juvia had become heavier, but Gray could still lift her with ease.

Arriving at the guild Juvia said she would walk the last meters to a bench. She sat down at a table close to the door where Levy and Rose were sitting.

At the same time Gray walked over to the others to pick a quest.

'Good to see you join us', Erza patted him on the back.

Natsu was still as excited as he was a moment ago, jumping up and down without stopping. 'Let's choose the most difficult one we can find'.

'Fine by me', Gray said as they walked to the request board. They were still deciding what quest would be better when Gray was approached by one of the blue mages.

'We are right back', Rose told the others of his team. She grabbed Grays arm and walked to the entrance-hall where there should be less people.

'I'm going to lift that curse', she explained before the icemage had a chance to complain. 'It will probably hurt, because I'm not going easy on you'.

'Fine by me', Gray sighed in relieve. The thought that he was still cursed, had nagged his head for a while now, although he didn't want to admit it.

'Only because that girlfriend of yours asked you', Rose grew her nails a little longer and pressed the sharp point on his chest. She was about to locate the curse within his body when she stopped.

'What's wrong?'

'I never said thank you.. or did I?' Rose didn't sound irritated for the first time since they met.

'You don't have to'.

'Maybe I want to... So thanks'.

'It was my fault to begin with. But I'm glad we can go on after this.'

'Sounds good', Rose smiled before digging her nail in his flesh.

Gray flinched in pain as Rose searched for the curse in his body. With her nails she dug in several places she would expect the curse to hide. After a while, searching back and front, she growled; 'It's impossible! It's not here! I'm sure I cursed you'. She pressed the palm of her hands against her temples. 'Think, Think'.

'Wouldn't it be good if the curse is gone?'

'It can't be gone! That's not how it works', Rose seemed in real panic. 'Maybe I didn't search good enough'. She dug her nails in his flesh again.

Gray flinched in pain and covered the place Rose had dug her nail without control. This time it really did hurt. 'You've searched almost everywhere. It's not here'.

'Don't tell me you've lost it'.

'I don't even know how to loose something like that'.

Rose glared at him. 'You're an idiot'.

'It will work out. Let's come up with a plan instead of stabbing me more'.

'Fine. But you should know this is your fault.'

Rose walked back to Juvia and Levy when she stared at the baby-bum of Juvia and gasped for air.

Gray walked back to the request board, glad that he wasn't cursed after all, while Rose came to a conclusion.

'Gray!' she yelled through the guild which made people turn their head. She took a big breath before yelling even louder. 'YOU MADE HER PREGNANT, DIDN'T YOU?' Her finger was pointed at Juvia.

Gruvia: Grays curse + Gajevy: protecting mine     FT fanficWhere stories live. Discover now