She then sighs and looks around her quiet apartment and smiles. "A night all to myself" she smiles and walks to the bathroom to start a bubble bath. After turning on some light music, she strips from her clothes and sinks into the bubbles and lets out a long sigh on content. "This is so nice" she sighs again and leans her head back and closes her eyes. She soaks for a long while until she hears the doorbell go off. She pops open her eyes and looks at the bathroom door that's hanging open. "Who's here?" She half whines, then hears her door code being punched and the door opening. Figuring it's Hobi coming back for something, she starts to sit up. "Y/n?" She freezes and sinks back into the bubbles hearing the voice. She hears footsteps and internally freaks out because the bathroom door is hanging wide open. "Y/n, you here?" The voice grows louder, along with the footstep, and her heart starts racing. "I'm in the bathroom, but don't come in!!" She yells panicky. It's too late though. The footsteps stop in front of the open door and a pair of dark eyes land on her in the bathtub. "Oh! You're taking a bath!" Jimin looks disheveled at the sight. "Yes! Now please shut the door and then I'll get out." His surprise and embarrassment leaves and a small smirk takes over. He leans against the doorway and crosses his arms. She gets more nervous. "What are you doing? Shut the door" she pleads. "Are you naked under all those bubbles Y/n?" Her insides clench as her name rolls off his tongue. Her eyes grow wide, he's trying to be flirty! Right now?? "No Jimin, I'm fully dressed under the water! Now shut the door so I can get out." He smirks and licks his lips but then obeys and shuts the door.
Y/n leans her head back and sighs, trying to calm her racing heart. What was all that? She climbs out of the tub and wraps herself in a robe after she dries off, and opens the door to go get dressed. As soon as she steps out though she meets Jimin still in the hallway, leaning against the wall. She yelps, startled. "W-what are you doing in the hallway? You scared me." He just stood smirking. "Waiting on you to come out" he says with a different tone in his voice. One she hasn't heard in quite some time. She tries to ignore his gaze and seductive tone and walks past him. "Well, wait for me in the living room. I'll just get dressed." He grabs her waist as she walks by and pulls her toward him a little. Her breath catches and her eyes grow wide. What is he doing? He stares into her dark chocolate orbs and licks his lips again. She sees him glance down at her lips but quickly goes back to her eyes. Her cheeks are heating and she can't stop the blush. "W-what are you doing Jimin?" She softly stutters. He smirks. "You look so beautiful right now Y/n. I just can't help it. Your skin is glowing and your rosy cheeks and hair in a bun...." He growls and pulls her to him so their chests are touching. Her heart picks up, she's sure he can feel it. "W-what?" She asks unsteadily. He has her so flustered.

Jimin says nothing, just stares into her doe eyes that are as large as saucers. His smirk turns into a smile and his eyes soften. "You're so beautiful" he almost whispers. She gulps, still staring at him with her heart racing. He rests his forehead on hers and sighs, "I want to kiss you so bad." What is she supposed to say? She feels a pull to kiss him as well, but is this a good idea? She stopped it before it went too far last time, should she do it again right now? She doesn't want to ruin their friendship. Her mind was spinning. She decided to keep quiet but can't will herself to pull away from him. Jimin starts to rub his hands up and down her sides and then lifts his head from hers. His dark eyes have that sparkle in them that she couldn't resist nine years ago. She quickly gets lost in them. "Can I kiss you Y/n?" He asks in a whisper. Y/n gulps again and just stares at him. She doesn't know what to say and feels like she's cemented to this spot, unable to pull away but unable to speak as well. He smiles and slowly leans toward her until she feels his plump lush lips touch hers softly. That familiar jolt is still there. He closes his eyes and sighs into the kiss, like he needed it. When Jimin doesn't feel her pull back and even puckers her lips back he deepens the kiss some. He wants to see if she'll respond. She quickly does and he smiles and deepens it even more, his tongue asking for entrance, which she allows. They're tongues dance together and he lets out a moan at feeling her lips again. He has wanted this moment again since they stopped last time. He runs his hands down her until they hit the bottom of her robe and he slides his hands up under it and back up her sides, bringing her robe with it. She shivers when the cool air hits her now wet core and she lets out a soft moan.

Jimin lets her moan fuel him to keeping going. He runs his hands up her thighs and around to her bare ass and cups her cheeks. He groans feeling her soft skin and she moans into his mouth again. They break for air, him not letting her go, and he pants, "god I want you Y/n. So bad that I can't stand it." Her mind is gone, totally lost in the feeling of him touching her. Her core is on fire and is aching for release. "Then take me" she whispers and his eyes grow wide. He stares at her as she looks at him and he smiles and takes her lips, not giving her a chance to say anything like changing her mind. He connects their lips again and grabs under her thighs to easily lift her, then carries her to her bed. He softly lays her down and, after breaking the kiss, unties her robe and slips his hands inside. He groans again feeling her soft breasts and pushes himself down on her. Y/n moans when she feels his erection pushing down on her, her being soaked already. Jimin's kissing alone could always get her wet. He pulls the robe away and breaks the kiss so he can lean up and admire her beautiful body. "You're so perfect Y/n. So beautiful." He smiles, seeing her blush. He leans down and takes a nipple with his lips, eliciting another moan from her. He licks and nips at the erect nipple while running his other hand down her stomach until he hits her core. Her breathing picks up even more and she rolls her hips up into his hand, so Jimin runs two fingers down through her folds to her opening. He slips his fingers inside and she rolls her hips again and moans louder. He leans his head up to watch her as he thrusts his fingers in her and uses his thumb to rub her clit. "Fuck" she breathlessly gasps. He smirks and thrusts faster. "Feel good baby?" She nods and moans when he rubs her clit faster. She grabs his arm as she feels the tightening in her stomach. "Are you getting close already? You want me to let you cum on my fingers?" He eggs her on, knowing she's close and wanting to feel, hear, and see her cum. He leans down and takes her lips in a heated kiss as his thrusts are hard and fast now, making Y/n moan loudly and buck her hips up to his hand. "Fuck baby....cum for me. Cum on my fingers" he softly demands of her. He curls his fingers up inside her and she cries out and raises her ass off the bed, her orgasm ripping though her. He smiles and coaxes her. "That's it baby.....cum all over my fingers. I can feel you clenching on them."

Her ears are ringing as she comes down and Jimin's thrusts become softer but not quite stopping. He kisses her hard and pushes his dick into her leg. "I want to be inside you. Please let me" he pants into her mouth, begging. She grabs his neck with one hand to deepen the kiss, he feels her other slide under his sweats and her tiny fingers wrap around him. He groans loudly and rests his forehead on hers, starting to pant fast. "That's it baby. You know how I like it" he praises her. She squeezes her hand a little tighter and fastens her stroke as he groans. "Fuck" he whispers and uses a hand to pull his sweats down. He does his best to sloppily kick his pants and boxer briefs off and then leans his dick into her hand, almost thrusting as she strokes. "Let me fuck you Y/n. Let me be inside you" he pleads with her as she strokes him. "I'll use the condom I left before if you want me to. I just need to be inside you. Please." Her hand stops and he feels her body tense. He leans up and looks at her and sees a different face on her. Fear. He tilts his head and asks, "what is it Y/n?" He strokes her hair as she looks everywhere but at him. Something is wrong. He leans up more. "Y/n? you want to stop? I'm sorry I was begging and pressuring you." He is careful to speak softly so she doesn't feel bad if she wants to stop again. She then looks into his eyes and he can see pure fear in hers. "What is it Y/n? Something is wrong. Please tell me" he says and kisses her lips softly. "We don't need to use a condom" she quickly says but avoids his eyes. He is confused but then reality hits him hard in the gut. He tries to hide it but is sure he fails. His chest hurts. "Y/n......there's no condom anymore is there?" He asks, praying she won't give the answer he doesn't want to hear. She looks away and he can see her eyes glisten with tears. "Oh...." He whispers and sits up. Y/n is terrified and sits up and apologizes. "I'm so sorry Jimin.....I.....I don't know what to say." She lets a few tears roll down her cheeks, knowing that the moment has been killed. What hurts her the most is that she knows she hurt him, even if this was just sex. "Who?" He asks and she feels her body flush with nervousness. Should she lie? Tell the truth? She sits a moment and then whispers, "Jungkook." He sighs and nods, eyes still looking forward. "I'm so sorry" she softly says again. He chuckles a hurt laugh and nods. "Don't say sorry Y/n. You didn't do anything to be sorry for" he says defeated. She sees his shoulders slump and she feels awful. She doesn't want to push so she just sits on her knees on the bed as they both sit in silence. After a few minutes he stands up and softly says, "I should go."

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