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Ch.66 – Does Love at First Sight Exist in Esports

When the final buzzer sounded, the victor was announced on the big screen: a black and red abstract ‘T’ superimposed on the hand of a titan, which formed the Titans’s team logo.

A flurry of ecstatic cheers erupted in the players’ seats. Ethan was one of the most visible as he stood up, whistling, clapping, and shouting, “That was fantastic, Yao! You’re awesome!”

Yao Sen was still tense from the match, but the rising cheers and applause gradually lifted him out of his thoughts. He clasped his hands together and discovered that they were slightly damp with sweat.

The commentators were talking at breakneck speed, marvelling at the last surprise attack. Everyone in the room was recalling that last brilliant attack in the final moments of the game, and Titans fans began chanting the team’s slogan in unison.

Wang Yuxi wrapped a strong arm around Yao Sen’s shoulders. He shook Yao Sen as if his life depended on it, his face flushed with excitement. “We beat Lincoln!” he exclaimed incredulously. “HOLY SHIT! WE BEAT LINCOLN!”

Bai Yue was just as incredulous as he ventured, “…I’m not dreaming, am I? Lao-Song—did you really blow their driver’s head up?”

There was a slight tremble in Song Mingzhe’s voice. He’d spent the entire match relying on his instincts, and now that it was over, he hadn’t fully recovered from his tense state.  “…I did, didn’t I? Lao-Bai, pinch me.”

Yao Sen duly held Wang Yuxi still and calmly said, “Okay. Calm down. Let’s get down there and shake hands. Can’t you guys see that Lincoln is already waiting for us?”

When the four Titans players lined up in front of Lincoln, the Lincoln members shook their hands in a show of good sportsmanship. Kevin’s gaze was fixed on Yao Sen, and while his expression contained a trace of inevitable disbelief, his admiration shone through, and he took the initiative to grasp Yao Sen’s hand, saying, “Thanks for a great game.”

Kevin looked up at where the Odin players were sitting and a rare, faint smile graced his lips. He then added, “Get out there and give Ethan a run for his money.”

Yao Sen grinned. “I’ll do my best.”

Kevin turned around, ignoring Ethan’s “Hey Kevin, did you just mention my name!” yell from the crowd behind him, and followed his teammates down the player’s hallway.

As Yao Sen followed Kevin’s back, his gaze was drawn to another person in the audience, a person whose eyes on him burned like no other. Yao Sen walked into the hallway with an imperceptible smile, his pace involuntarily quickening.

Shao Han was waiting for him at the exit. When Yao Sen came out, he had to fight the urge to embrace Shao Han right there in front of countless cameras and fans, and instead walked up to him and firmly shook his hand.

Fans and members of the media crowded around the Titans. Many fans were crying from joy, and they shouted themselves hoarse yelling the Titans’ slogan.

Yao Sen furtively drew Shao Han behind himself, shielding him from the eager fans and media. He faced the cameras calmly, fluently answering every question with a smile.

Fortunately, the media recognised the players’ need for rest and didn’t pester them for too long. The fans had also prepared snacks and drinks for them and allowed them to retire for the night.

Does Love At First Sight Exist In E-sportWhere stories live. Discover now