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Ch.63 – Does Love at First Sight Exist in Esports?

That afternoon, there was a particularly high turnout of Titans and Noah’s Ark fans, especially for the latter.

Noah had achieved their best record to date this year, and any fan could see how hard each member worked. Now that they were in the final stages of the competition, the teams coming to the fore were the strongest of the strong, and there would undoubtedly be times when one ran up against an iron wall.

Despite the fact that they were playing Lincoln, Noah’s players showed no signs of discouragement as they waved and smiled at the cheering crowd, taking each step with poise and determination.

When the round four competitors entered the arena, the Titans walked right alongside Noah’s Ark, and Yao Sen, uncaring of the numerous spectating eyes, lifted a hand and rubbed Shao Han’s head, smiling as he said, “I’ll be waiting for you.”

Shao Han was both helpless and moved as he heard a vague chorus of exclamations among the fans. He let out a small laugh. “Mm.”

After seeing Shao Han off, Yao Sen turned his head, the smile leaving his lips. With one look, the other three members could see that their captain had already switched into his god-killing mode.

Their opponent for this round was NL—not the strongest, but certainly the most unusual.

Titans’s uniform was modified two years ago, adding dark red patterns to the cuffs and collar of the previously all-black garb—the reason being that some thought the all-black was too dull and lifeless.

Though their uniforms were now black and red, the black remained the dominant colour. As the densest colour, black was peerless and impenetrable, so if the path they’d taken to get to this point could be seen through and easily replicated, then they weren’t deserving of this colour.

Under the stadium lights, every single member of Team Titans appeared intense and steadfast. Yao Sen stood face to face with Cheng Rui and extended a hand towards him.

As the two shook hands, Yao Sen peered at the other man and suddenly muttered, “If I were you, I’d be offended that the first thing that comes to mind when they think of me is that I’m a copycat.”

Cheng Rui lowered his eyes, as if he had recalled something, yet his expression remained nonchalant. “I don’t mind.”

“Really?” Yao Sen smiled faintly. “Guess I can’t do anything about that.”


Jiang Yang had gotten together with his relatives who resided in America the day before. He’d planned to leave early that night because of the Titans vs. NL game the next day, but he couldn’t resist his eager relatives and ended up spending the night at their house.

As a result, he accidentally got up late this morning and got stuck in traffic on his way to the stadium, and he was so anxious that he wanted to get out of the car and sprint the rest of the way there.

The fourth round was already on its third or fourth match when Jiang Yang arrived at the stadium after much difficulty. He walked over to the audience entrance, tense, fearful of missing another second.

Jiang Yang had seriously blown his top when the former pro player pointed out undeniable evidence of NL copying Titans. If that twat surnamed Cheng had been standing in front of him at the time, Jiang Yang wouldn’t have been able to keep himself from suckerpunching the guy in the face.

Yao Sen was Jiang Yang’s idol, someone he’d admired for a long time, and for his idol to be imitated like that, he naturally couldn’t restrain his anger. Even if Cheng Rui’s play resembled or outperformed Yao Sen’s, in his eyes, Cheng Rui was nothing more than a shady knockoff.

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