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Ch.33 – Does Love at First Sight Exist in Esports?

Three days before the club holiday, Manager Guo brought the team members to the hospital for a physical examination. Wang Yuxi was eager to go, feeling that this year, he might be taller than he was last year.

Yao Sen circled the physical exams in order and finally received his complete exam report; his eyesight did not decline, his magnesium was low, and his weight was lighter than it was in his previous physical examination.

After listening to the nurse, Yao Sen felt that he really should start minding his health. Micronutrient deficiencies were sure to affect sleep, and if it were serious, there would even be a risk of a cardiovascular disease.

Wang Yuxi walked out dejectedly with his medical check-up sheet in his hands—it turned out that his height hadn’t changed at all. He felt that it was definitely because he lacked calcium, but the report also clearly stated that he didn’t lack even a little.

On the way back from the hospital, Manager Guo lectured Yao Sen on his diet and resting habits for quite a while. In order to hold Yao Sen’s attention, Manager Guo read out the diseases caused by magnesium deficiency that he had seen from Baidu and social media posts. After hearing all of it, Yao Sen was convinced that he had an incurable disease.

After returning to Yiyou Building, Yao Sen sent his physical examination report to Shao Han. He waited for more than ten minutes, yet Shao Han didn’t reply. Maybe he was busy, so Yao Sen didn’t dwell on it.

Just as he was about to put down his phone and do something else, Shao Han called. Like Manager Guo, Shao Han reminded him of some precautions, but it wasn’t as exaggerated as what Manager Guo had said; he sounded earnest and professional.

Yao Sen’s heart warmed, wondering whether Shao Han had spent the last dosen minutes looking up the information on his physical exam report. Yao Sen asked him casually, and Shao Han replied, “Mm, I asked my aunt, she’s a doctor. You have to go to bed early—eleven o’clock at the latest.”

“Eleven o’clock?” Yao Sen laughed bitterly. “That’s too early, the nightlife has barely begun.”

“Eleven o’clock is eleven o’clock,” Shao Han’s tone was unwavering, as if it could drop another octave if Yao Sen didn’t promise him. “I’ll remind you.”

Yao Sen didn’t quite deny him. He chuckled softly at Shao Han’s words, his heart full and overflowing with warmth. “Shao Han, thank you.”

Shao Han blanked out for a moment, his ears heating up out of nowhere. He’d had a hard time getting used to Yao Sen teasing him with his ‘baby’s, and yet hearing him call out his name so gently made Shao Han feel a little shy. 

Shao Han felt truly troubled, but when he answered, his voice softened involuntarily, “You don’t need to thank me.”

On the last day of training before the holidays, Coach Gou didn’t make them train for too long, sparing some time to tell them about their holiday training arrangements, adding that he’d contacted their parents and would be checking on them regularly.

Yao Sen’s flight was on the next day, so after he finished packing, he went to Building B to look for Shao Han. When he got there, Shao Han was packing his things, and his roommate Lin Lan had already left.

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