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Ch.42 – Does Love at First Sight Exist in Esports?

When the Titans entourage arrived at the hotel that the organisers had reserved for them, Yao Sen exchanged a few words with their manager and ran off with his suitcase to stay with Shao Han. Seeing Yao Sen fleeing at breakneck speed, Manager Guo asked confusedly, “Who is Yao Sen staying with?”

Wang Yuxi: “A friend of his called Tian Li[1].”

A friend called Tian Li my ass. More like his boyfriend.

The unsuspecting Manager Guo nodded.

The expo opened at nine a.m. the next morning, so the group went to the gathering spot to get acquainted with the area, taking advantage of the opportunity to check out the not-yet-released gaming accessories and pre-launch products in passing.

Wang Yuxi looked at the RAM stick with hearts in his eyes, wanting to incorporate the RAM stick into his harem of computer hardware. Presently, the mistress at the top of his harem was the video card he had fallen in love with at first sight.

Wang Yuxi rubbed his hands and let out a string of ‘hehehe’s as he approached Bai Yue and said, “Eh, Lao-Bai, you and I are good bros, aren’t we? You know it’s my birthday in two months… That RAM will also go on sale in about two months… I want…”

Bai Yue cut him off unfeelingly. “No. You don’t want it.”

“I do! I really really want it!”

“But I don’t.”


The next day, the Titans Club members, as the protagonists of the Expo, went out and took the stage to meet their fans.

This year’s esports expo was larger than ever before. Furthermore, super popular clubs such as Titans and Noah’s Ark were in attendance, so expo attendees and fans who had come for the fanmeeting flooded the venue’s entrance, making the crowd nearly impenetrable. The lines at the entrance wound round and round the outdoor parking lot, and the ticketing process alone took up several hours.

The expo was packed to the rafters. The game demo area was unusually crowded, but the most jam-packed area was the fanmeeting venue of several clubs. Titans and Noah’s Arks fanmeets were so stuffed with people that even standing became nearly impossible, and the security guards were so busy that they had to run like the wind to keep order.

Yao Sen signed autographs all morning, until his hand cramped up. The fanmeeting, which was supposed to end at twelve o’clock, dragged on until one o’clock, the lines never ending.

Yao Sen knew that his fans had traveled long distances to see him; they had waited anxiously for his autograph, and many people had brought him gifts; how could Yao Sen let down the fans who genuinely liked him?

When the line finally reached its end at 1.30, Yao Sen shook his somewhat stiff shoulders before accepting the item handed to him to sign from the next fan.

It was a T-shirt with the Titans logo on the front that many other fans had asked him to sign, but this particular T-shirt surprised Yao Sen.

This T-shirt was a limited edition item created to commemorate the Titans Club’s 25th anniversary. Only a few hundred shirts were made in total, and the price wasn’t exactly cheap either. Those who were able to purchase this shirt were considered true hardcore fans.

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