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Ch.28 – Does Love at First Sight Exist in Esports?

After lunch, the three of them went to the surrounding business district to spend the afternoon together, first watching a movie, then shopping at the mall.

Shao Meng walked around with two outstanding and eye-catching individuals, and from time to time, people would turn their heads to take a look. Because her brother was handsome, Shao Meng had always liked going shopping with him, and now with the addition of Yao Sen, she felt that she had a lot of face.

After getting tired of shopping, Shao Meng led the two men into a milk tea dessert store, her left and right hands in theirs. The store was crowded and the queue was long. The three of them sat down to chat after ordering their meals.

Shao Han had had a snack while they were shopping, and now he had a cold drink which, mixed with the hot food he hadn’t finished digesting at noon, made his stomach a little uncomfortable. He asked Yao Sen to stay behind and went to the restroom alone.

Although both Shao Meng and Yao Sen didn’t reveal anything on the surface, one of them was a brocon, while the other liked Shao Han, so they still shared a mutual subject of conversation. Shao Meng graciously told her idol about all the embarrassing things her brother did when they were small, and Yao Sen’s mind was filled with the image of a young and soft-spoken Shao Han.

As the two of them chatted, a middle-aged man wearing a hat forced his way through the narrow space between Shao Meng’s seat and another seat, crowding up against Shao Meng’s chair so forcefully that chair legs let out a sharp noise as it scratched the floor.

The man was holding a lidless iced drink in his hand. When his hand slipped, the cup fell over and hit Shao Meng’s shoulder, immediately spilling the drink all over her.

Shao Meng stood up with a shout, shivering from the icy water. As the store had sufficient heating, Shao Meng took off her jacket. She only wore a thin, light-coloured long-sleeved shirt underneath, and as soon as her jacket got soaked, her shirt abruptly became a little see-through.

Shao Meng didn’t even notice this until she realized that the middle-aged man in front of her kept staring at her chest.

The man spoke in a strange local accent as he apologized while taking out a tissue from his pocket, intending to wipe at the water stains on Shao Meng’s body. His hand was already pulling at Shao Meng’s wrist, and he eyed Shao Meng’s chest, where her bra faintly showed through, his vulgar gaze flickering with malicious intent.

Shao Meng realized that this man was trying to harass her. She panicked and swung her hand with all her might, yet the man’s grip was so tight and his hand was already reaching towards her.

Sensing that something was wrong, Yao Sen promptly got up, pulled Xiao Meng behind him, draped his coat over Xiao Meng’s shoulders, and stared gravely at the weird man, snapping, “Fuck off! Keep your hands off her!”

The customers in the store looked over and whispered in hushed tones.

The middle-aged man wasn’t afraid at the sight of some youngster. He straightened his neck and quibbled, “Wasn’t I just trying to apologize to the young miss? Why are you cutting me off? Who made the first move? Don’t lie through your teeth, I didn’t do anything to this girl!”

Shao Meng said angrily, “You obviously poured your drink on me on purpose!”

More and more people were watching the commotion, and many took out their phones to film. Seeing the number of people around them, the harasser felt a little flustered, then muttered a few vulgar curses at Yao Sen.

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