Food for the win!

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Bakugo's POV:

Stupid Izuku, keeps on running off...

I grumble and make my way slowly back to the hideout. My hands were full of shit and my stomach rumbled.

Me(Groaning): I want food~ But it takes so long to cook~~

My bag of snacks caught my attention, after rummaging through it I found a bowl of cereal and a soda.

Me: Cooking snack!

I pulled out onions, garlic and a parcel of drumsticks, they were already seasoned but my mom drilled it into my head to still add spice before cooking. After looking through the fridge, I pulled out sauces and butter, from the cupboards I pulled oil, oven dishes and other things needed for the dish I was making.

I can feel eyes on me...

I ignored it but still hid the gun I had under my hidden belt.

???: What are you doing here?

Me: I know where you guys are, might as well come out of the shadows you idiots.

The two intruders stepped out, it was the praying mantis looking extra and some black haired extra.

Awase: Who knew you were this ballsy? To enter our hideout... and for what? An ambush?

His voice was annoying, it was deep and forced.

Me: I'm hungry...

Kamikiri: Huh!? You came in here... To make food?

Me: Yeah, pretty much...

My attention went back to the oil in the pan, it was getting hot and it would be a shame for it to get too hot.

Awase: You are one crazy individual Bakugou... however, your crusade ends here!

The black haired extra jumped at me. I didn't turn around but focused on the hot pat in front of me. I moved aver a bit and he missed me completely. I picked up the pan and dumped the oil on him, his clothes seemed to be burn proof but that didn't stop him from slipping and hitting his head on the stove edge, knocking himself out.

Kamikiri: Were you even trying?

Me(genuinely confused): Huh? Try what?

I looked him up and down, his blades were sharp..

No duh!

They're blades!

Me(mumbling): I wonder if it can help with making salads?

Stop thinking with your stomach!

Kamikiri: Please stop staring at me like that...

I put back my gun and cracked my back, then arms then legs. Basically I was stretching as if I was getting ready for hand to hand combat, which I was.

Me: I'm giving you a choice, fight me fairly in hand to hand combat and I'll make your death fast and painless, or fight with quirks and you end up like sleeping beauty over there.

He took a peek at Awase and cringed, good be scared.

Kamikiri: I'll fight hand to hand...

Me: Good, now square up.

He got into a battle stance and ran at me, I noticed his eyes were closed.

Has he never fought hand to hand?

I just took out my gun and shot him, he wouldn't have been a good fight either way.

Me: Pathetic... Vlad, your students are weak... and stupid, and arrogant... teach them better or let them have a session with Aizawa...

I could feel the glare he gave me through the drone, I didn't care though. Going back to the stove I stirred the pot and smiled, a few more minutes and it's finished!

I wonder what Izuku's doing?

Bet he ran into trouble...

Ok I know he went out looking for trouble...

I sighed and grumbled, stupid green haired ashole, he has no business looking that hot! After covering the chicken I sat down at the table and ate the cereals, I'm not eating a bite till he gets back.

Me: Oh god if he know what I was doing, he'd consider me a dog!

My drink was nearly empty, the bowl was too, I decided to just have another bowl... Maybe I'm being a bit too greedy, Izuku has to eat too... but he's not here sooo...

Fuck it.

I was about to open the pot when heavy panting scared me.

Me: Izuku?

Izuku: Food?

Me: ...Food.

I called him over and handed him a bowl full of ramen with a side of fried chicken. He thaned me and sat down.

Finally!! Food!

Finally!! Food!

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