A Quickie of a Job!

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Izuku's POV:

After I calmed down a lot, we both went our way. I told Kacchan to split up so I can snipe them while he would make a lot of blood around again. It was their hero hideout after all. This meant that they were all close. We had to be very carefully here to not get caught at all.

This was why I was on a rooftop a bit away and Kacchan on another one right opposite to me. We had to split up for this specific reason. Better safe than sorry.

Okay... This will be a quickie.

We can't take a lot of time.

The shot makes enough noises so they will get alarmed.

It will be worth it tho.

So I have to make this fast and and be precise.

As I was thinking that, I started to set up where I would lie down on the ground to shoot them. I could see Kacchan with the help of the lens and saw that he was ready too. The only thing that was bothering me was that Kacchan was standing while shooting.

I swear... This idiot gonna get hurt like this.

I should teach him how to properly act like a Dandelion and not touch any riffles in the future.

They really don't suit him at all.

He has his explosion.

That are his charm.

No need for any guns.

Okay now focus Izu!

He may be hot and a good distraction as you know... but now is not the time for this!

I focused back on what was going on and started to focus on hitting Shoda. He was one of the people on the roof. Small as he was, he wasn't as easy to spot which made this a pretty good plan. Still not good enough.

It was his partner, Rin who I managed to spot from the location we were together a moment ago.

Now that I had one in shot line, I looked through the lens, double checked the safety on my gun and triggered it. The bullet hit Rin's shoulder. Thanks to the impact he went down pretty fast, after that I shot the small guy right next to him at the back of his legs and another one at the shoulder since he didn't go down that fast.




My reaction was fast and the speed I fired was also rather fast. This was not the first time I held a gun. Let's just say I do shit when I get bored and try everything out including shooting. It was quite fun which was exactly why I knew how to shoot a gun.

While I managed to get them all down, I looked and started holding Kacchans back clear of any enemies. He started firing all the bullets he had in the gun.

After that I saw someone else coming out from the building and gave off a warning shot which basically gave away where I was.

Okay, I should go now.

I need to find Kacchan and then get back to the villain base together safe.

This is a bit out of plan but whatever.

The two heroes where down and by now I could already see all the people gathering around and looking outside. Besdies that there were actually 4 people heading my way since the shot came from my direction.

I hated to do this but I left the gun where it is and jumped off the roof. It was high and it ws stupid to do what I just did but I needed something to make my story believable. So when I get the ground, the impact hurt my hand. My costume ripped around my arms as shards and stones started to pierce my skin.

Me: AHHHH!!!!

I screamed out aloude while I took one of my daggers and cut my own hand just to cover myself a bit in more blood. No I was not out but I could make it look like something happened. They refused to work together with class 1A after all. So they couldn't know what just happened.

While I waited for them, I started thinking about many different ways to tell them what happened and so I found myself quickly surrounded by 4 people of class 1B.

Kodai: Oh my god! Midoriya are you okay?

Me: Bakugo... He ran that way! He got Tsu and Kaminari... Shit... he knows how to use a rifle.

Kuroiro: No shit sherlock, we know that already.

Me: Sorry. Arg. He just got me good after I confronted him. Be careful he has more than just guns. I am just lucky to get away.

Komori: Do you need some help?

Me: No, I am fine.

Kodai: You sure?

Me: Mh. Still Bakugo went that way.

I pointed to a direction and slowly got up from where I was. Of course they didn't see my dagger or my hand wound. I was careful not to show them that.

Komori: We should get you back to base.

Me: I am fine. Class 1A base is close and I should also report back. Thanks tho.

Kuroiro: If you say so.

That was all before this guy started running off. The girls looked at me concerned but I only assured them that I was fine and started walking off to a direction completely different then where Bakugo was or where I told them he was.

I was sure to meet up with Bakugo again.

Well this took a bad turn...

My damn hand hurts...

I really shouldn't have just jumped off a 3rd story building...

Glad I am still alive and I could power up OfA enough to actually not get that badly hurt.

Thanks to this costume too.

I am glad I designed it to be shock absorbing...

Better find Kacchan now...

Better find Kacchan now

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