Role Play Time!

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Izuku's POV:

Once I was alone and without Kacchan, I went out of the way and used actually some hidden and more harder way to get outside. It wasn't that I had to use the hard way to get out but that I wanted to surprise them and so I started waiting a bit before I took out the gun and walked closer to the window.

Class 1B was a bit loud. It was weird. They should know it better and yet they didn't.


How can they be still this happy!

I swear they are dumb.

As I was ready to shoot someone, I saw Kuroiro. He was the most dangerous guy out of all of the 3 people who was actually nearing our new hideout. It was him and the two other girls Kamori and Pony. It seemed that at some point Pony and Kodai switched placed because I was sure when they saw me and found me it was these three. Well it wasn't as if I cared anymore anyways.

I waited for them to get a bit closer before jumping out the window again. It was the first story and it was not dangerous for me to jump out. I already got hurt. What was supposed to happen anyways.

Kacchan would kill me if he saw what I was doing right now.

I am sure RG will have my head later too.

And All Might probably too.

How many times he said I shouldn't be reckless... This is not being reckless tho!

This is being calculative!

So once I jumped out, I decided to just casually walk up to them. It was just so I could get in reach. Neeldess to say that I didn't pay any attention to what they were talking at all.

Komori: Hey it's Midoriya again.

Kuroiro: Did you just ju-


Me: Yes. Yes I did.

I was rather close and I shot him right between his eyes. The girls watched in horror what I have done but before any one of them could react, I decided to hit them with a bullet too. They were not worth my time otherwise I would have decided to use my daggers... well maybe I will have to use them later on.

Okay 3 down... I ahm... I think there should be around 6 people left...

I mean I've been keeping track of the bodies and KAcchans movement just because of that.

It would be hard if we didn't know how many people are still in the game.

I am still calculative and I don't like when the odds are against me.

As I was thinking that I looked around and there was no one around. However there was something I found on the ground which was definitely useful. It was an earpiece which I picked up.

Oh so they were all connected!

Well this makes it a lot easier now!

I smiled like a madman. This was even better than a chase now. Putting the gun away, I decided to wear the earbud myself and activated it to listen to the others but also be able to report to them. Now I was playing once again a double sided game.

Me: Ahm guys, I know I am not part with your class but Komori just gave me this saying I have to report back.

Kaibara: Huh, Midoriya?

Kamakiri: Is Komori ok?

Me: I don't know. I just met her and she told me to hide since I am injured and gave me this. She was alone tho. I don't know if she was supposed to be alone or not.

Awase: Midoriya, where are you? We can come meet you.

Me: Close to the store which is to the north.

Aka meaning I am 3 blocks away from your hideout... I don't want the fight to be here.

I might lure Kacchan with all that screaming out.

I am just glad that this gun that he gave me had a noise canceler on.

Otherwise he would have for sure heard the gun shot.

Me: I also got seperated from my group and can't find them anymore.

They will have to take me in with this.

Oh this will be the worst thing they will ever do.

Never trust the words of anyone.

How dumb can they be?

I am literally playing around with them at this point.

Reiko: Isn't this kind of weird to you guys?

Awase: What are you talking about Reiko? It's Midoriya, he's the nicest guy in our year!

Togaru: Yeah. We saw him fall remember? Kurorio and the others were close by but we saw him fall midway down. We know Bakugo is trying to get after him. You know their dumb relationship. They fight all the time.

True but we are also just teasing each other a lot.

So this isn't the reason and you are all dumb.

Me: So where do we meet up again? I can also come to you if that makes you feel better?

Awase: Stay where you are Midoriya, we'll meet you there and you can spend the night at our hideout.

Me: Thanks.

That was all I said before powering up OfA to get there in a matter of just seconds. I couldn't believe how dumb they were and this was definitelly about to be fun.

 I couldn't believe how dumb they were and this was definitelly about to be fun

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