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a/n: i cried real tears writing this :') enjoy <3



Harry Styles

I've been staring at my phone for the last twenty minutes, waiting for the notification from our security system to tell me that the gate is opening.

The kids are taking their afternoon nap after a long morning at the beach and ever since we got back, I've been unable to take my eyes off of my phone. We've been trying to get Ellie and Rome out of the house doing fun stuff as much as possible while we have time before the baby comes because as soon as she's here we all know we'll be held hostage to the house for a while.

Andi should be getting dropped off by Shawn any minute now.

She told me last night that they had scheduled a last-minute interview with someone from a big magazine that she was really excited about. Andi basically had to beg me to let her go because I know she knew it wasn't a good idea to go far from our home.

Technically, she could have the baby any day now, and it scares me to have her out of my sight at all.

But Andi assured me that she felt fine and this would probably be the last thing she'd get to do for R&R for a while because of the baby. She also made sure to let me know that they were simply grabbing lunch and that Shawn would drive them both to and from the restaurant safely.

I feel like such a fucking psycho for being so worried about her constantly, but I really can't help it. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to her or the baby and I wasn't there.

The way Andi batted her eyelashes and kissed my neck this morning finally had me caving and allowing her to go. I can't deny her something that makes her that happy, especially since she's been a little down the last couple of weeks waiting for the baby to make her arrival.

I swear I've been so on edge ever since the last ultrasound where Nancy said she could come any minute. I've been trying not to show Andi that I'm stressed, but I'm freaking the fuck out.

Not necessarily freaking out over the fact that we're having a baby. I'm more than excited about that. I'm freaking out about it happening at any given moment and something going wrong. I'm nervous that I, myself am not as prepared as I should be.

I'm freaking the fuck out over something preventing Andi from getting the experience that she deserves after all of this.

I just want it to be perfect for her.

I've been hardly sleeping at night, up making sure Andi's comfortable and getting enough rest. I stay up at least an hour after she falls asleep just to watch her dream and give myself the reassurance that she's okay.

The one time I fell into a deep sleep in the last week, I woke up at four in the morning to an empty bed in a nervous sweat once I realized Andi was gone.

I threw the blankets off in a hurry and shot out of bed to find her in a panic.

I first suspected she was in the bathroom, but when she was nowhere to be found in there, my head began to spin. I looked in both Ellie and Rome's rooms to see if she had wandered in there to cuddle with them (she's done this twice in the last three months) but she wasn't there either.

It was when I saw the faintest glow peaking out from the closed door of the baby's nursery that I felt like I could finally take a sigh of relief.

Feeling much less frantic, I walked to the end of the hall and opened the door slowly so as to not catch her off guard too much.

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