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Harry Styles

"Andi, love. Are you about ready?"

"Give me one second, I'm just trying to find the shoes I want to wear."

Her voice carries through the house to my spot at the bottom of the stairs where I wait for her. Today we're going to Andi's students high school graduation, and if we don't hurry, we're going to be very late.

The kids are staying with Shawn while we go out for a few hours to the graduation and maybe to lunch afterwards. It's a midday ceremony at an indoor stadium so that it can accommodate all the other schools that need to graduate today, or at least that's what Andi told me.

Jeff was able to work out a way that I could go with her and not cause too much of a scene. Andi of course told me she didn't mind going on her own, but I always feel this incessant need to be around her at all times. I feel like she's my responsibility to protect.

We only got back from Europe yesterday, so we're all adjusting back into normal life while simultaneously trying to get back on track when it comes to sleep. Ellie and Rome are honestly doing better than I thought. They take so many naps throughout the day, I feel like that definitely helps.

Andi and me on the other hand... are not doing so hot. I mean, we're fine, we can live on very little sleep, but the last few days have really taken their toll on us and I can see how worn down Andi looks.

"Daddy can you open this for me, please?" I glance over to Ellie who has a blue popsicle in her hand.

She smiles when our eyes meet, and it's then that I see her already blue teeth and tongue. "El, haven't you already had one?" She shakes her head in response, still smiling. "Are you telling the truth?" I can't help but let out a breathy laugh of my own.

"Well I had a little bit of one, but I shared the rest with Lovey and Snuffles."

Pinching my nose to avoid bursting into laughter, I have to look the other way. I can't fucking say no to this kid. "Okay," I take the popsicle from her, biting at the plastic edge to tear it open for her before crouching down and handing it back. "Last one. Don't tell mum you had two, got it?"

"Got it!" Ellie places both hands on my shoulders before leaning in to kiss my cheek and then taking off in the direction of the kitchen where she came from.

"You're such a fucking pushover when it comes to her." Andi's laugh from the top of the stairs catches me off guard and has me snapping my head in her direction as she walks down the stairs.

A smile instantly graces my face at the sight of her. "You're just mad because Rome isn't old enough to talk and beg you for things like Ellie is. Just you wait."

Andi only smirks in response, knowing I'm right. The two of us head into the living room to say goodbye to Ellie, Rome, and Shawn before we head out to the garage. "We're taking the Mercedes?"

I shrug, "I figured we might as well take advantage of not having car seats for once. That okay with you, Miss Rhoades?" Andi gets a excited look on her face as she nods and gets in. I put the car in reverse before backing out onto the street. "You're in charge of music," I tell her and hand her my phone.

"What are you in the mood for, loverboy?"

"Surprise me," I shrug and watch her smile before thinking of a song. I keep stealing quick glances at her as I drive, watching her bite her lip as she chooses.

I can't help but smile when I see that something's obviously come to mind. She searches something before the beginning lyrics of the familiar song start playing through my car speakers. A loud laugh escapes me when I turn to her to see an evident smirk on her face.

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