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a/n: the first part of this chapter will be harry's pov starting from the moment andi told him she had a test in her bag while they were at their new house.
this also part of a double update, so make sure to read chapter 48 after this. enjoy <3

Harry Styles

"I need to talk to you," Andi blurts out, and I nod. "I... I have a pregnancy test in my bag right now. I didn't- I didn't think I was pregnant, I mean, it didn't even cross my mind, but Skye asked me if I could be, and I... I think it could be a possibility."

Although what she's saying doesn't surprise me, I can tell it's hard for her to grasp. "Hey, hey, hey." I rub her arms, hoping that my touch is enough to help her calm down. "Slow down, A. It's okay. Do you... do you want to take the test?"

"I'm scared."

I can see the fear in her eyes as she looks anywhere but at me. "That's okay. It's okay to be scared, baby. I'm here to be scared with you, I'll hold your hand through everything."

I just want her to know that I'm here this time.

"What do I do?" The sound of her frail voice is enough to break my fucking heart. I hate seeing her so vulnerable and scared.

"Let's take it one step at a time, yeah?" I suggest and she nods. "First I need you to breathe for me, A. Do you want to take the test right now with me?"

"Now?" My heart sinks when I think I've freaked her out and fucked this up already.

I squeeze her hips again, begging for her eyes to meet mine so I can try to recover. "We don't have to. But I think maybe it would be a good starting point, you know?"

I know that I can't even begin to imagine what she's feeling and the different thoughts that are racing through her mind. Andi Louise is the strongest person I know, but even she crumbles every once in a while.

"It's different this time, baby." I try to reassure her again. "I'm not going anywhere, and I'm not going to love you any less depending on what we find out."

"I know, okay yeah. Yeah, let's do it. Then at least we'll know, right?"

I hesitate to sigh in relief before I'm kissing her forehead, mumbling against her skin. "Right. I'm here, Andi. I promise."

Her shaky hands reach into her bag to pull out the box, and all I can manage to think about is the fact that she's already had to do this once before without me.

"Will you come in with me?" Her voice is so weak and heartbreaking as if she's embarrassed to ask for the bare minimum.

"Of course, baby."

Andi pulls the pregnancy test out of the box, and I can only watch her struggle to tear at the wrapper for a few seconds before I'm gently taking it from her hands and tearing it with ease. "Thanks," she whispers and I lean in to kiss her cheek.

I stand against the wall of the bathroom as Andi pees on the stick. Although it should be awkward with all the tension in the air, it's not. I just can't help but think about the different possibilities that the result of the test could lead us to.

Of course, I want a fucking baby. I've always wanted a baby with Andi, but not at the cost of her mental health. Never would I want to sacrifice Andi's happiness for my own selfish wants, and right now, seeing her this distraught has me questioning everything I want right now.

She'll always be the most important thing to me.

The snapping of the cover on the test is what brings me out of my thoughts and turns my attention back to Andi who's setting the test on the counter.

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