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Andi Rhoades

"Got everything?"

"I- I don't know." I glance down at the multitude of bags hanging off my body. "There's... a lot." Who knew that we would need six different bags between the three of us?

I don't think of myself as a heavy packer when it comes to traveling, I'm very diligent about planning my outfits for the time away and only packing those items. I barely have one suitcase filled with my belongings that I plan on needing over the next week. Ellie and Rome on the other hand? They require almost triple what I need. You'd think that their small clothes would take up less space, but since I felt the need to pack extras of literally everything for them, they've each got two bags.

Ever since Friday night when I made up my mind about spending spring break in England with Harry, I've been frantically running around trying to get everything together so we would be ready to go in such a short amount of time.

I had thought it would be nice to leave the next day, but once I thought about it and talked with Shawn, we both realized that it just wasn't realistic with the kids. We needed at least a little bit of preparation going into this. 

Understatement of the year.

Packing the kids and getting everything they would need took an entire day alone. Luckily, Max and Lila had gotten them both passports shortly after each of them was born since they used to go back to Italy often to visit Max's family.

The morning after I had decided this is what we were going to do, I called Skye to tell her and run it past her. I don't know if I was looking for reassurance or not, but either way, she gave that to me. She told me that I would be an idiot not to go, and if Shawn wouldn't be able to come, she wouldn't hesitate to come with me to help out with the kids.

I really don't deserve the kind people I have in my life.

The next thing to do on my list was to inform Harry. Just as I was about to call him and tell him the news, Shawn had snatched the phone from my hands and hung up for me.

"Surprise him!" He told me.

"What? This isn't really something you spring up on someone, Shawn. What if he doesn't want us there? I should at least run it by him."

Shawn rolled his eyes playfully, "Once again, crossing the line, but... are you stupid? Why wouldn't he want you there? I've seen how sad he looks, Andi. He's going to freak out when he sees you guys."

"Well- well someone has to know that we're coming. I... I need to call Jeff or someone and tell them so they can get us to him."

"I'll call Jeff. You call his mom... you're close with her, right?" I nodded. "So call her so another person knows."

That's how we got to this position in which absolutely no one besides Anne and Jeff knows that the four of us are heading to London right now. I've briefly talked to Anne since Harry and I got back together, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous to make the phone call to inform her that we were coming.

I don't know what I thought she was going to say. As if she'd be anything other than ecstatic to see the three of us. I called her yesterday, and as I sat picking at my nails at the kitchen counter, waiting for her to answer, I felt an immediate warmth when her calm, yet excited voice came through the speaker.

Once we had exchanged greetings and formalities to check in with one another, I finally gained the courage to ask her what she thought of our plan.

"Oh Andi! I think he would absolutely love that. There's no doubt in my mind that he'll be anything less than thrilled to have you three with him for a week."

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