Chapter Fifty Seven

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"Goodnight. Te Voglio Bene" The Italian whispered as she kissed Danielle's cheek and they both drifted off to sleep.

Danielle suddenly was wakened with a sharp pain in her stomach and thought she was going to be sick. She jumped out of bed, careful not to wake her sleeping girlfriend, and run to the bathroom. She only just made it in time as she threw up the entire contents of her stomach. She sat there for a few minutes on the cold hard bathroom floor as she mustered up the strength to stand. She managed to get back on to her feet, wash her face and clean her teeth before climbing back in to bed. As she moved back under the duvet, the Italian snuggled herself back in against the blonde. "Hmmm, Bambina, you're so warm" she mumbled in her sleep. Danielle did feel a bit hot but she drifted back off to sleep again.

She woke up again 3 hours later still feeling queazy but shrugged it off. She decided she would go on a run to see if that made her feel better. So, she slid out from under Stefania's embrace and started to get changed. She was a little weak on her feet though and fell against the desk, waking her girlfriend in the process. "Danielle, what are you doing? It's only 6:30am" Stefania said a little irritated at being woken up so early. "Shhh, sorry baby. Go back to sleep, I'm going to go for a run" Danielle replied with her voice a little shaky. Stefania could hear that there was something wrong though so she sat up and turned on the light.

She took one look at Danielle and jumped out of bed to go grab her wobbly girlfriend. She sat her on the bed and felt her temperature "Bambina, you can't go for a run. You're burning up" she said looking at Danielle who was very pale and sweating. "I'll be fine, I just need to sweat this out properly whatever it is" Danielle said as she stood up. She took 3 steps towards the door and promptly crumpled in a heap clutching her stomach as she let out a pained cry. "Oh my god Danielle!" Stefania screamed as she rushed to her girlfriend's side. "Here Bambina, let me help you up" she said as she picked her up and sat her on the bed. All the colour had now drained from Danielle's face as she looked like she was going to be sick. Stefania was quick thinking and grabbed the bin just in time. Danielle was sick again. "Well I guess that wasn't a one off during the night then" Danielle mumbled. "You were sick during the night?" Stefania asked. Danielle couldn't speak, she just nodded. "Bambina why didn't you wake me?" Stefania asked as she went to get a damp face cloth. She returned to see Danielle fighting to stay awake. "Ok, ok, back to bed with you" she said taking the blonde's sneakers off but leaving her in her sports bra and shorts. She pulled the duvet up and turned to walk away from the bed as Danielle grabbed her hand. "Please don't leave me alone" she said with tears in her eyes. "Bambina, I'm only going to get you some water. It's only 6:45, do you honestly think I'm going anywhere other than back to bed at this time of the morning?" She laughed. Danielle just gave a weak smile and nodded.

When Stefania returned, Danielle appeared to be asleep. Stefania placed the glass of fresh water on Danielle's bedside table and climbed into her own side of the bed. As she lay down, she heard a little voice say "baby, can you please hold my hand. I don't want you to cuddle me in case you get sick too and I'm too hot but I need your comfort right now" "Oh Danielle, Bella, I don't care if I get sick too. But how about you lie your head above my heart and let it soothe you to sleep. I won't hug you if you're too hot, I'll just stroke your hair for you sweetheart." There was no hesitation from Danielle who was quick to flip over and lay on top of the brunette. Within 5 minutes, Stefania heard soft snores coming from the blonde and she soon drifted back off to sleep herself.

Suddenly Stefania was wakened with a fright as she heard a loud crash from the bathroom. She jumped out of bed and run to the door "DANIELLE!" She screamed as Danielle was passed out on the floor. Thankfully, Danielle was breathing though. Stefania quickly reached up and grabbed the bathroom phone to call reception although she wished she hadn't when she heard the voice on the other end of the line. "Hmm, hello. This is Stefania Spampinato in The... eh... Alexander Room or something like that. I need a doctor please. My girlfriend just passed out on the bathroom floor. She's breathing though, so I don't think she needs an ambulance." "Ok Ms Spampinato, I'll have our on site doctor come up. He'll be there in a minute or two" Victoria said, worry evident in her voice.

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