Chapter Sixteen

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The brunette also fell asleep, feeling content in the moment.

Danielle woke up with a startle some time later. She had an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. After a few seconds she understood what the feeling was, it was nausea and it was bubbling it's way up inside her body. She needed to get to the bathroom, sooner rather than later. Suddenly she remembered that her gorgeous Italian boss was in bed beside her. She opened her eyes to see their fingers still laced together. She rolled on to her back and turned her head to look at Stefania. The brunette was a vision. Her hair falling softly over Danielle's shoulder. Her face wearing the tiniest of frowns and her lips parted slightly so that the quietest of snores could be heard. Danielle thought she was one of the most beautiful creatures that she'd ever laid eyes on. She really didn't want to disturb the sleeping beauty but she really had to get to that bathroom.

Danielle managed to untangle herself from Stefania's embrace without waking her. She crawled down the bed and climbed out the bottom. She stood up and still felt the effects from the alcohol. She stumbled slightly but made it to the bathroom in a few wobbly steps. She decided to leave the light off as not to disturb the older woman. She got to the toilet just in time. As she was bent over the bowl she regretted having so many shots and she hoped that Andrew and Gee were both as miserable as she was now. She flushed the toilet and sat on the cool, welcoming tiles of the bathroom floor. As she laid her head back on the side of the bath she felt herself start to drift back off to sleep again. Only, she didn't sleep for long as a few minutes later, she was back at the toilet being sick again.

Stefania woke up realising she was no longer holding hands with the little blonde. She reached her arm over to pull Danielle in closer again but felt nothing but an empty bed. She reached over to the nightstand picking up her phone to check the time. "3:53am" Just then she heard a retching noise coming from the bathroom. She jumped out of bed running to the bathroom. "Bella, are you ok?" She knocked on the door. Danielle didn't respond. "Bella, please answer me, I'm worried about you." She still didn't answer but Stefania heard a groan coming from the blonde. "OK Danielle, I'm coming in ok?" The blonde still didn't answer her boss. Stefania pulled the door open and realised that the blonde was sitting in the dark. She turned the light on to see her curled up on the floor with sweat on her forehead, tears in her eyes, a little bit of vomit over her T-shirt and a toothbrush hanging out her mouth.

"Oh Bambina, what's the matter?" Stefania asked as she crouched down beside Danielle. "I'm sick" the blonde pouted. Stefania couldn't help but smile. "Oh Danielle, you're not sick. You're just drunk bambina"  she let out a small laugh. "I think we should get you showered though." "I don't think I'll manage that on my own" Danielle admitted, shaking her head. "That's ok Bella, I'll help you" Stefania said as she moved to turn the shower on before facing Danielle again. "Lift your arms for me please." The blonde quickly obliged and Stefania pulled her T-shirt off exposing Danielle's chiselled abs and beautiful, plump breasts covered by a red lace bra. Stefania had to fight every urge in her body not to take the blonde right here, right now on the bathroom floor. She pushed those thoughts aside though as Danielle was far too drunk to consent to anything! She quickly stripped off her own pjs so that she didn't get soaked. She moved the blonde towards the shower. "Stefania, wait! Danielle said. "I can't get into the shower with my underwear on." She quickly removed her bra and panties discarding them in the laundry basket. Danielle was now completely naked looking at Stefania. This wasn't doing anything for the heat Stefania could feel growing in her lower abdomen. She shook her head though, helped Danielle in to the shower and quickly washed her hair for her. 5 minutes later she pulled the blonde back out again wrapping her up in a fluffy bathrobe. She grabbed a robe for herself and sat them both down on the floor so she could dry Danielle's hair. She finished and pulled her closer gently laying the younger woman's head on her shoulder. They sat like this together in a comfortable silence for what felt like ages until Stefania spoke "Uh, Danielle, I thought you said that tonight wasn't a date?" Danielle opened one eye and looked at Stefania "it wasn't..." confusion in her voice. "Well... um, why is there currently a bunch of red roses in our bathroom sink?" Stefania asked looking at her lap with a sad expression. "Well Stefania, those roses are currently in our sink because I believe you put them there..." Danielle smirked. "And... they're for you!" She continued, her smirk getting bigger. "For me?!" Stefania asked confusion lacing her voice. Danielle started to laugh uncontrollably "Nah, I just wanted to see your reaction. I would never buy a date red roses. It's such a cheesy thing to do. I once told Andrew that he's the only person in the world allowed to buy me roses. Besides, the girl that has a giant fangirl crush on you is his wife. I just met her tonight. I'm happy he's happy. He's my favourite man in the world and probably the only man that I will ever genuinely love. I've told them they can live in my London apartment for a while before going to Italy." Danielle silently scolded herself for mentioning Italy. She still didn't want to tell the brunette about her family.

"They're going to Italy?" Stefania asked. "Eh, yeah. Andrew's wife is Italian and she wants to go home to be with her family. They met when he was there on holiday a few years ago. But she's not happy here, she misses her parents. So he's selling his bar and they're going to go run her parents bar in La Spezia." Danielle was quiet for a few seconds until her eyes shot open and she exclaimed "OH MY GOD, THE BAR! I KNOW WHAT TO DO. I'M GOING TO BUY IT" She jumped to her feet and almost fell backwards into the bath but Stefania was quick to catch her. She regained her balance and went back in to the room. "I need to find my phone, I need to call Andrew. I won't let him sell the bar to Coo... to eh... to anyone except me!" Stefania was able to grab Danielle's hand just before she started dialling Andrew's number. "Danielle, I have no idea what you're talking about but I cannot let you call him. It's 4:30 in the morning! Let's just get you back in to bed and you can speak to him tomorrow yeah?" "Oh yeah, that's probably wise" Danielle conceded. She climbed back in to bed not letting go of Stefania's hand. She pulled the brunette down with a little more force than she meant to. Stefania lost her balance landing on top of Danielle. The two women just lay there staring at each other for a few minutes. Suddenly both aware of how close their faces were, breasts on top of breasts, legs tangled together, still holding hands.

Stefania was the first to move rolling off the blonde beauty. She turned on her side throwing one arm Over the Danielle's stomach, pulling her in close. Danielle sighed pulling herself tighter into Stefania's embrace. She nuzzled her face into her boss' neck closing her eyes. "You're so beautiful, Stefania" she whispered against her skin before falling fast asleep. Stefania lay stroking Danielle's hair letting herself drift off to sleep wondering what the future may hold.

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