Chapter Eight

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"Buona notte Bambina".

Stefania woke up the next morning with the sun streaming through the blinds. She felt a strange sense of calm until the events of last night washed over her. She felt nauseous until she remembered how the young blonde had been able to soothe her and calm her down. She opened her eyes and realised she was in the bed alone. In fact, she was in the room alone, there was no sign of Danielle anywhere. Stefania could see the open bathroom door from her bed and the blonde wasn't in there either. 

She could feel her mind starting to run wild. Had she overstepped? Had she made Danielle feel uncomfortable? Had she just set their already fragile relationship back a few steps? She didn't have to time to dwell on it though. She had a full day ahead of her. She moved to get up from her bed and realised her head was pounding. She remembered that the Doctor had given her some meds for that very reason. Reaching over to her nightstand to grab the pills, she spotted a little note.

"Morning Boss, 

I got up early (as I always do) to go for a run. I left you a fresh bottle of water as I have no doubt that you'll have the headache from hell and probably a bump the size of Mount Etna (that's your mountain right?!) to go with it. 

I may be back before you leave, but if not, I'll see you at breakfast.

Dani :)"

Stefania let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding but couldn't help but smile at the sweet gesture. 

She got up jumped in the shower and got dressed. She had a full day of interviews, business meetings and a working lunch. She opted for a black pant suit, white shirt and red heels combo - she liked it, it made her feel like she could take on the world and she really needed that today after last night's disaster. She left her hair wavy and flowing naturally over her shoulders. Her make up highlighted her natural mediterranean beauty and she topped the look with a matt red lipstick. She had a philosophy - if she looked a million bucks, she felt a million bucks! 

Just as she turned to grab her phone from her nightstand, there was a knock at the door. She answered it and there stood Caterina dressed and ready for the day ahead. "Morning Boss", she grinned as she walked in to the room. "Brought you a coffee as I thought you'd want to get a head start on emails before going for breakfast" "Thank you Caterina, that's very nice of you but actually, I'm starving so I was just getting ready to head down to breakfast now." Just as the two women made their way to the door, it swung open revealing a very hot and sweaty Danielle. "Good Morning ladies", she said with a flash of her gorgeous smile. 

Stefania couldn't stop the butterflies swarming in her stomach and the pink starting to rise on her cheeks and she was too nervous to speak. "What is happening to me" she questioned internally. Caterina meanwhile had noticed that her usually stoic boss was floundering in her own thoughts right now and very clearly checking Danielle out! She also noticed that the blonde hadn't moved her eyes since the second she looked at Stefania. "Good Morning" Caterina spoke up seemingly bringing the other two from the trance they were in. "We were just heading downstairs for breakfast", she continued, "will you be joining us?" "Yes, I definitely will. Just need to grab a quick shower and get changed. I'll see you there in 20 minutes"

Stefania and Caterina gave Danielle a smile and exited the room. "OK Spampi, WHAT WAS THAT?!" Caterina squealed as they made their way towards the elevator. "What was what?" Stefania asked, very obviously confused. "Stef, you're joking right? You and the little blonde bombshell there clearly checking each other out! I could almost taste the pheromones in the air" Caterina laughed. "Oh stop it, you're silly" Stefania chuckled. They stepped on to the elevator and Caterina continued "Stef come on, I saw how pink your cheeks got just because she said hi, and I also saw you checking her out last night before the Doctor arrived. So spill, what happened last night after Kevin and I left?"

Stefania took a deep breath as they stepped back out the elevator. "Nothing happened, I promise. I had a panic attack and she was very sweet to me. She climbed onto the bed and held me close until I calmed down and fell asleep. That's it. My cheeks turned pink because I'm embarrassed that I've known this girl less than 24 hours and she had to talk me down from a huge meltdown. It's not the impression I like to make on my new staff." "Hmmm, OK then but I've got my eye on you Spamp" Caterina winked as they arrived at the table and joined Chandra, Jason and Kevin. "Good morning" everyone greeted each other with smiles and hugs.

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