Chapter Nine

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"Good morning" everyone greeted each other with smiles and hugs.

As Danielle was still up in the room, Stefania took the opportunity to ask the group if they had any idea what she could do to apologise for her behaviour. No one really offered anything concrete. "Sorry Stefania," Chandra said. "We didn't really get a chance to properly speak before you arrived at the restaurant. All we really know is that she grew up here in Seattle but left when she was around 14 or 15. She then moved about a lot. Ending up in the UK when she was 19. She applied to the UK Air Force as she desperately wanted to become a pilot but the rest of the recruits were all males and they bullied her on account of her being female and an American to boot. So she quit and went to a private flight school. That's when she met Bruno. That's pretty much all we know as you came in at that point." "Hmmm, OK, thank you Chandra" Stefania nodded. "Oh", Jason said "When she found out that Caterina was from Calgary, she said that going to the Stampede was one of her bucket list things" "Aye, and she really wants to visit Scotland with me too" Kevin chipped in with a big grin. He couldn't help but grin whenever he thought of Home.

Just then the blonde appeared at the table. She was dressed in dark green pants, a cream shirt and a black blazer with a pair of black brogues. She noticed the brunette looking at her with a strange look in her eyes. She couldn't quite decipher the look but she was sure she saw her bite her bottom lip slightly. "Good morning team", Danielle smiled, radiating genuine warmth. "Have you all eaten?" "Ach no, we were waiting for you pal" Kevin replied standing to give her a hug. They all made their way to the breakfast buffet all filling their plates with something different. Kevin, Jason and Chandra all had full cooked breakfasts. Stefania and Caterina settled on a selection of pastries. Danielle however opted for a kale, banana and peanut butter smoothie.

"Eh... Danielle, is that all you're having? Don't you want some real breakfast?" Jason asked with a look of horror on his face. Danielle just laughed and explained that she usually just has a smoothie after her morning run. "I'll have a big lunch" she assured. Stefania watched the interaction with a thoughtful expression. They had a pleasant breakfast chatting about everything and nothing in particular. "OK everyone" Stefania announced. "We all know our jobs for today yes?" she asked. "Yes boss" they all stated emphatically. All except Danielle that was.

"Um, Stefania, I'm not really sure what my role is?" Danielle asked shyly. "I mean, I'm obviously your pilot but I don't really know where I fit in outwith that?"  "Ah Danielle, I'm glad you asked" the Italian smiled. "Usually I would have Marco here to chauffeur me about but his wife is due their first baby any day now. Hence why he's not here. I was going to appoint Kevin as temporary driver but he already has so many other things to do, I was wondering if" "I'd love to be your driver for the next the 3 days" the blonde cut her off. "Fantastico" Stefania smiled as her chocolate brown eyes found themselves locked with the pools of blue in front of her. "OK then" Caterina interrupted them again. "Let's get going or we're all going to be late."

Everyone made their way to the main entrance and headed off in different directions as Stefania and Danielle waited for the car to be brought round. A few minutes later, they were on their way. "So then Stefania, where are we heading first?" Danielle asked. "I have a 10:30 meeting at North Bay Business Plaza. Do you know it?" "Um, Yeah, My eh... My Grandad used to work there" Danielle replied kind of sheepishly. Stefania thought this was a little odd, but she didn't want to push the blonde on it. "And what about the others, where have they gone?" Danielle asked after a couple minutes of silence. "Chandra and Kevin have gone to pitch some ideas to the owner of Grey Sloan Business solutions. Caterina and Jason are out speaking to Chief Bishop of the Seattle FD." Stefania answered. "Stefania?" "Si, Bella?" "Please forgive my ignorance. I know you're a very successful business woman but I really have no clue what it is that you do exactly?" Stefania couldn't help but smile at the beauty looking at her through the rear view mirror. "That's a complicated answer" Stefania smirked. "I've been very lucky with a few different things. But, today, we are bowling the new planning software that my company has developed." Danielle let out a laugh and said "Em... I think you mean pitching, Stef. Not Bowling." "Oh si, Pitching - like a baseball, no?" Stefania asked. "Yeah, like a baseball" Danielle chuckled. 

"OK we're here then" Danielle said getting out to open Stefania's door for her. "Thank you Bella, I should only be 2 or 3 hours tops as I have a lunch date at 2:30 but you should give me your phone number so that I can keep in touch with you. We really should have sorted all of this on the flight yesterday but that didn't go to plan." Danielle looked down at her feet nervously. "No no, Danielle, that is my fault not yours. I am so sorry for how I spoke to you. I hope you can forgive me?" "Of course I forgive you, just don't let it happen again" Danielle smirked handing her phone over to the brunette. Stefania let out a small laugh and took Danielle's phone. She called herself to get the number then handed it back. Their fingers brushed causing goosebumps to rush both their bodies. "Right then, I'll see you in a bit Danielle. Enjoy some time to yourself for the next couple of hours." Danielle then stood leaning against the side of the Lincoln mesmerised by the beauty walking away from her. Although, this lunch date bothered her. Was it an actual date?! Danielle wondered. But she also wondered why it bothered her so much... She watched her walk through the revolving doors of the glass building and was about to get back into the car when someone caught her eye...

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