Chapter Forty Seven

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"Ok, now we can go" she grinned as she walked by Danielle slapping her ass as she went.

The two women said their goodbyes in the parking lot as Stefania decided to walk back to the hotel in the sunshine. Danielle opened the door of the bar and found Andrew and Gee in a slightly compromising position...

"HEY, not on the bar!" She yelled giggling as Andrew quickly pulled his hand out from under his wife's top, blushing. "Mio Dio! Danielle! You gave us a fright" Giovanna groaned covering her face with her hands. "Sorry, I'm glad you're both here though. There's something I wanted to discuss with you. But first, let's get a coffee or something shall we?" Danielle said walking towards the coffee machine. She quickly made 3 cappuccinos and took a seat at the centre table beside Andrew and Gee. "So. Stefania, me & the rest of the team will be flying out to London within the next few days for a funeral. I wondered if you both wanted to come with us and I could let you see the flat that you now co-own. You could measure it for furniture and stuff if you wanted?" She asked them both taking a sip of her coffee. "That would be great D! We actually just this morning talked about heading over to Italy for a week or so to visit Gee's family. So that would work really well. We could come to London and spend 2 or 3 days with you before catching a flight over to Italy from there." Andrew smiled also drinking his coffee. "Awesome. I just need to run it by Stefania but I'm sure it'll be fine. Gee, please feel free to buy whatever you want for the flat. We can also redecorate if it's not to your taste or whatever. I'll also need to introduce you both to Mrs Bishop who lives downstairs. She's been like a surrogate mother to me. She cooks me meals, she does washing for me, she takes in parcels and even looked after me last year when I had the flu. You'll love her." Danielle beamed.

"Speaking of Stefania, where is she?" Andrew asked. "She's gone back to the hotel to collect her things and then she's coming back here for the night. She should only be about 30 minutes or so. I figured we should discuss plans for opening night though? And I also wanted to run a few ideas by you for this place? Danielle said standing up and going to the bar for a coke. "As I said before, I love how this place looks now and I wouldn't change a thing about it. I love the Italian/Mediterranean feel it has. I was thinking we should keep regular bar food, you know, burgers, fries, wings, nachos etc. But maybe once a month we should have Italy night where we serve only Italian food and have Italian entertainers and such like. What do you think?" Andrew and Gee looked at each other grinning. "Danielle, it's funny that you should suggest that. We had actually talked about this very idea a few months ago before we decided that we would instead sell this place." Giovanna explained. "So, I guess the answer is that we love that idea, yes" Andrew laughed. "Great! Now for my second proposition. You know that back room behind the kitchen? Well it backs on to that huge storage room that we never use. It must be half the size of the floor space in here taking into account the kitchen area is it not? Danielle asked Andrew. "Uh yeah. Actually I have the floor plans here in the office. Hang on" he said disappearing into the small office behind the bar. He appeared a couple of minutes later with a sheet of paper rolled up. "Yeah it's 1800 square feet. Why do you ask?" Andrew asked Danielle handing her the floor plan. "Well I had an idea. I like how homely and down to earth it is in here but I would love to have a separate area that's a little bit more upmarket. A sort of VIP area. It could be like a piano bar or a cocktail lounge with a small dance floor. And I'd like to call it Giuseppe's." Danielle smiled unsure how Andrew would react to this. "I think that's an amazing idea D. He would love that too you know" he said taking Danielle's hand. "Yeah, he would" she smiled with tears in her eyes. "I'm glad you mentioned him though... we should really decide on the guest list for opening night. Your Mom and Matteo have been asking me who the mystery business partner is. They should know D. And I'd like them to be here on opening night. Along with Gino and the boys too maybe?" He asked, but cautious of pushing his luck with the blonde. "Andrew, of course that's fine. But... eh... I'm not sure I can face Pau..." "don't worry she's going out of town in 2 weeks for about 3 weeks so she'll be away on the night." Andrew cut her off. "Ok that's good" Danielle let out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding "and I guess you can tell my mom all about it once you're back from Italy"

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