Chapter Thirty Three

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Danielle placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head and soon drifted off to sleep too.

Stefania woke up about an hour later with a familiar feeling building in her stomach. She was a little disoriented at first and couldn't figure out what was going on until she felt the heat between her legs. She could feel Danielle's tongue sliding through her folds and her lips latching on to her clit. She was now wide awake and could feel her orgasm beginning to build. Danielle's tongue was expertly circling the Italian's bundle of nerves. Stefania begun to moan and her hips were starting to buck. She was building fast gathering the bed sheet in her fists trying to keep the crashing sensation at bay for as long as possible. Suddenly she felt Danielle thrust her fingers inside her and curling to hit that one particular spot. Stefania let out another moan which was more like a scream at this point. Her walls were beginning to tighten and her thighs were now clamped tightly round Danielle's head. Danielle continued to suck hard and circle her tongue whilst working her fingers quickly. Stefania couldn't contain it anymore. She let out a low, throaty growl as her orgasm took over her. Danielle continued to move her tongue slowly allowing Stefania to come down again gently. She removed her fingers and licked up the mess she'd made. She crawled back up Stefania giving her a sloppy passionate kiss before disconnecting their lips "hi beautiful."

"Hmmm, hi yourself" Stefania smiled connecting their lips again. She wrapped her arms round the back of Danielle's head and they continued to make out for a few minutes. "Good nap?" Danielle asked as she once again disconnected their lips. "The best" Stefania grinned pulling Danielle back in for a hug. "What time is it though?" She asked. "Uh, about 6:30 I think" Danielle replied. "Are you hungry?" "Si, I'm famished actually. Shall we go get some food?" The brunette replied. "Yeah. What do you fancy?" Danielle asked. "Hmmm, I'm not sure. What do you want?" "Well, I've just had Italian" the blonde smirked. "Bambinaaa! Behave!" Stefania groaned as Danielle lay there giggling. "Well there's a steak house next door, a sushi place one street over or an Olive Garden at the end of the road." Danielle offered. "Danielle Savre, wash your mouth out right now. Didn't the DeLuca's bring you up properly?! I am not going anywhere near an Olive Garden. Those places are terrible!" Stefania frowned. Danielle laughing again said "I know, I just wanted to see your reaction. So. Steak. Or. Sushi?" She asked, placing quick kisses on Stefania's cheeks, neck and lips between words. "I think... sushi? No?" "Yeah, sounds good to me. Should we ask the others too?" Danielle asked. "You'd be ok with that?" Stefania said with raised eyebrows. "I guess. At this point they all know about us anyways. Our bubble didn't exactly last very long. It's only food though, I still get you to myself in here"  Danielle replied, giving Stefania another full on kiss. She swiped her tongue with Stefania immediately granting access. The kiss soon became heated with hands moving all over exploring each other's bodies. At that moment Stefania's stomach growled bringing them out of the moment in laughter. "Ok, let's get ready then" Danielle said climbing off the bed.

As Stefania sat up she saw the bear sitting at the dresser. "Um... Danielle, who's your friend over here?" "Oh, I forgot. He's for you. Caterina and I went to the fair at Pier39 and I won him for you" Danielle explained, her cheeks turning pink slightly. "You did? Bella, that's incredibly cute. No one has ever done that for me before. Thank you. I love him. I think I'll name him... Cisco" Stefania smiled, also turning a slight shade of pink. She pulled her jeans back on and gave her hair a quick brush. "Ready to go then?" Yeah. Let's go find the other's." "Ok, I'll phone Kevin, you call either Chandra or Jason?" Danielle asked. Stefania nodding in agreement.

K: Hey Dani, what's up?
DS: Stefania and I are heading to the Sushi place in the next street. Do you guys want to come with us?
K: yeah, sounds good. Let me just check with Cat. She's in the bathroom. "Hey Babe, do you want to go for sushi with Dani and Stef?" She says she's up for that. Meet you downstairs in 10 minutes?
DS: sounds good, we'll wait in the foyer for you.

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