Chapter Forty

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I'll leave you two to it. I'll be upstairs if you need me for anything.

"How did you know I was here?" Danielle asked not looking at the brunette. "Well I searched the quayside for you and you were nowhere to be seen so I hoped you'd maybe gone home but you weren't there either. Then I remembered that you shared your location yesterday so I was able to track you using that tonight. Please let me explain though Bambina." "Don't call me Bambina Stefania. Not when you're someone else's girlfriend." "She's not my girlfriend Danielle. She never has been." Stefania said truthfully. She sat down on the couch opposite the blonde. "Please look at me Danielle" Danielle finally lifted her head but wouldn't properly look at Stefania although the brunette could see the blonde's red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. "If she's not your girlfriend then what was that little display all about tonight?" Danielle asked with a shaky voice. Stefania tried to take hold of her hand to comfort her but Danielle pulled it away. "Don't Stefania. Just say whatever it is that you came to say and then go" Stefania felt like she could really feel her heart shattering at the blonde's words. "Ok. That woman was called Jess. We used to sleep with each other whenever I was in town and it's been a bit more frequent the last 6 months or so. But sex is all it was. I promise you, she never has been my girlfriend. I've never even left so much as a toothbrush at her place. I don't think I've even had breakfast with her. I always made sure I woke up and left before she was awake. I told her many, many times that I didn't need or want a girlfriend." Stefania tried to explain. Danielle looked up into the eyes of the brunette for the first time since she arrived. She couldn't stop the tears spilling out her eyes or stop her voice from shaking as she said "well I guess that answers my question then. You can leave now" she turned away from the Italian, laying her face in her hands as she continued to cry.

"Danielle no. Please don't cry." Stefania said as she slid along the couch to try and pull the blonde in to a hug. "I heard your question and felt my heart explode. I was a bit annoyed you got in there before I did because my plan was to ask you the exact same thing! Non mi sentivo così per qualcuno da molto tempo. Sei anche l'unica ragazza a cui è stato permesso di entrare nel mio letto e nel mio spazio personale. I didn't need or want a girlfriend until I met you. And now all I want is you to be my girlfriend" She said as she stroked Danielle's hair. Danielle lifted her head as she heard this. "You were going to ask me to be your girlfriend? And what do you mean that no one else has been in your space?" "Si Bambina. I'm crazy about you and I couldn't wait another day without making you mine officially! And it might be easier for me to show what I mean rather than try to explain it. Will you please come home with me?" "I don't know Stefania. You were the first person I've let in for years. I had started to let my guard down with you and it blew up in my face in spectacular fashion. She really thinks that you and her have something going on." Danielle let out a frustrated sigh. "She won't be an issue anymore. I put her straight once and for all before I came looking for you." "When was the last time you slept with her?" Danielle asked not really wanting to know the answer but she needed to have the full picture.

Stefania took a deep breath before answering "it was the night before we flew to Seattle. I stayed at her place that night but I left and was on my way to the airfield before she even woke up. She called me just before I pulled up at the jet and we had a massive fight. I told her once again that she knew how I felt about being in a relationship and I offered to discuss the situation when I got back in to town. But, she told me not to bother because we were done. I haven't had any contact from her since until tonight when she sent me a text just before you walked into the kitchen. But look, you can see, I ignored her message" she said honestly showing Danielle the message. Danielle rubbed her hand on her forehead as she said "this is giving me a headache. It's too much & I'm tired. I will come back to your place tonight because all of my stuff is there and we don't need to keep fighting here, keeping poor Cat awake. And, I'll sleep on the couch tonight" "Ok" Stefania whispered "but you're not sleeping on the couch. You can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep in one of the spare bedrooms. Will we walk home or do you want me to get a car?" "It's midnight Stefania, I'm not walking now." Danielle said putting on her shoes. "Cat - I'm borrowing your car. I'll bring it back tomorrow." Stefania shouted upstairs to Caterina. "Ok, or I can come pick it up whatever" Caterina shouted back.

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