Chapter Sixty One

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Andrew smiled as he threw a blanket over his best friend and her girlfriend before heading to the kitchen with Gee and the purring little cat.

A few hours later, Danielle woke up and realised that her and Stefania were still on the couch. She stood up and gently picked up her girlfriend, carried her to the bedroom and laid her down on the bed. She went to the toilet and quietly snuck into bed beside the brunette. Just as she was drifting back off to sleep she felt a hand reach over and pull her arm like a blanket. And in the stillness of the dark a whisper that said "please don't ever run again. I could never live without you"
This took her by surprise and tugged on her heart a little. She didn't really know how to put what she felt into words. All she could do was pull Stefania into a bone crushing hug and kiss her on the cheek as she whispered back "I promise to always keep running back again" The two women fell back asleep snuggled tightly together.

The next morning Stefania awoke to the feeling that she was being watched. "I can feel you staring you know" she said without even opening her eyes. "I can't help it, you're just too beautiful, I can't keep my eyes off you" Danielle whispered as she pulled Stefania in close. The blonde propped herself up on one elbow as she stroked the brunette's cheek. "Baby, I am sorry for everything that happened the last couple of days. I'm sorry I hurt you, and I'm sorry I took off without discussing it first. I can't promise that I won't run again because it's what I'm used to doing. But what I can promise is that I'll always try to run back to you again. I've never felt more at home than I do with you. In fact, I think I would go so far as to say that I think you are my home now. I don't ever intend on being away from you. You're the light in my world, the warmth in my heart and the love I have for you, Urgh, honestly, it's a little overwhelming sometimes. But, in the best way possible!" Danielle smiled as she leant down connecting her lips with the Italian in a tender and warm kiss, full of love and promise.

"Bambina, are you trying to make me cry before I've even had my morning coffee" Stefania said as she kissed Danielle back. "Please stop apologising. I love you too Danielle, so so much, it scares me too. I'm ok with you needing to run as long as you do always remember to run home... to me. And I can promise to always leave a light on so you can find your way home in the dark" She continued, kissing the American again. "Now come on, let's go get breakfast and discuss our plans for heading back to the States. We probably need to go in the next couple of days. We can't stay here in this London bubble forever. As much as I love being "home" with you, we have to get back to reality sometime"

Just as Stefania tried to sit up, Danielle grabbed her round the waist, pulling her back into bed. "Wait, Stef, that's it. This might be just about one of the craziest things I've ever had the audacity to say but in my heart it makes perfect sense. Move in with me when we get back to America? I can't imagine waking up a single morning and not being able to kiss you good morning" Stefania was taken by surprise but asked "move in with you? Where though? I live in LA and you have the bar in Seattle" Stefania asked. "Well that's the beauty of this" Danielle continued "we don't actually have to decide on one place. We can split our time between LA and Seattle, plus I've got my cabin. But, I just mean, let's live in them ALL together. What do you say?" "Danielle. niente mi renderebbe più felice. Penso che sia la migliore idea che tu abbia mai avuto" Stefania grinned as she grabbed either side of the blonde's face pulling her in for a searing kiss.

An hour later the two women were showered, dressed and sat at the table having breakfast. "I had a text from Jason earlier. Him and Chandra got back into London last night." Danielle spoke as she ate her bagel. "Ah, that's good. So we should probably head back to Seattle tomorrow then?" Stefania suggested. "Yeah sounds good to me. Or we can go tonight. Whatever you want" Danielle replied. "Well, ok. Let's take Mrs Bishop out for dinner and then head home tonight?" Stefania smiled. "Good idea. I'll phone Bruno too and throw a message into our group chat for the other 4 so they know." Danielle grinned throwing the last piece of bagel into her mouth.

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