Chapter Twenty

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Ok then, let's get going." The younger woman said throwing on her leather jacket and her favourite Veja sneakers.

The two women walked in silence reaching the crowded elevator. They stepped inside having to stand so close that their bodies were almost touching. Danielle could feel Stefania's breath on her neck causing goosebumps to rise over her whole body. She couldn't stop the pink from rushing her cheeks which Stefania was quick to notice. The Italian liked the effect she had on the little blonde and smirked as she inched even closer as if that was possible. Just as she was about to grab hold of Danielle's waist, the elevator doors slid open and Danielle stepped out in to the hotel lobby. Stefania let out a small sigh and followed her. They made their way out of the hotel and walked in the direction of the restaurant. They once again walked in silence until Danielle finally spoke "so then, Stefania, where's your meeting this afternoon?" "Ah, well, it's at the ferry terminal. But, I'm not going." Stefania answered. "What do you mean you're not going? Why not?" The blonde asked. Stefania took a breath before answering. "There's uh, there's not a lot riding on today so I decided to let the team handle it instead. I have faith in them. I have other plans for today instead." She smiled. "You do?" Danielle asked, her interest piqued. "Si, I do" Stefania grinned. "But first, lunch" she winked.

They made their way inside the restaurant where they were led to their table by the waiter. He handed them menus and took their drinks order. He returned with a bottle of wine a few minutes later and asked if they were ready to order. "Si, Grazie" Stefania smiled. "ah, sei italiano. è bello parlare nella mia lingua madre tanto per cambiare." The waiter responded with genuine happiness written on his face. "Cosa posso darti allora?" He asked. "Io mangerò le Busiate al pesto Trapanese, per favore." Stefania replied, returning the look of happiness. Danielle was awestruck just watching Stefania. She was so beautiful and her smile just lit up her face. She was lost in her thoughts when she then heard the waiter ask "and for you Miss?" "Oh, sorry, I'll have the Risotto alla Milanese please" Danielle responded politely. For a brief second she had considered ordering in Italian but decided to keep that in her back pocket for later.

The 2 of them enjoyed their lunch talking about anything that came to mind. They talked about Stefania's childhood in Italy. They talked about Danielle's time in London and what led her to become a pilot. They also spent periods in silence just enjoying their food. Each woman stealing glances at the other when she wasn't looking. "So what is that you've got planned for the rest of the day then?" Danielle asked as she finished off her meal. "Well, I meant what I said before, I will respect you and move at your pace. But, I would like to explore whatever this is and to see if there is actually something here between us. So if you're up for it, I'd like to take today for us to spend time together just getting to know each other. Even if it doesn't lead anywhere romantically, you're in my life now Danielle and so I'm happy to take whatever you're willing to give me." Stefania said as she reached out and held Danielle's hand. "What, as in like... a date?" Danielle asked with wide eyes, panic written all over her face. "No Danielle, not if you don't want it to be. It can quite easily just be two friends spending time together. No pressure at all." Stefania said honestly, gently caressing the back of Danielle's hand with her thumb. "Stefania, I like you, I really do... I think that's obvious with the effect you have on me. You're beautiful. You're more than beautiful. You've got such a gentle heart and I can feel how much you seem to care for me which is amazing given we've only known each other a few short days. I'm so sorry though, I really am but I can't give you anything more than friendship. Well, friendship and my loyalty as your most trusted pilot of course." She winked trying to ease the moment a bit.

They sat in silence again finishing off the bottle of wine. Just then the waiter reappeared at the table, "can I get you two ladies anything else?" He asked with his thick Italian accent. Stefania looked to Danielle who shook her head. "No grazie. Solo l'assegno per favore." Stefania replied. He nodded and returned again a couple of minutes later. "Grazie" Stefania smiled whilst handing him her card to pay. As the transaction was processing the waiter spoke, "Spero che questo non sia troppo audace, ma devo dire che voi due siete una coppia molto bella." Stefania blushed as she replied "oh, non è la mia fidanzata. Non ancora comunque, anche se ci sto lavorando. Spero che accada un giorno." Upon hearing this, Danielle choked on her wine and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Oh, sorry, don't try to breathe and swallow wine at the same time" she laughed.

They left the restaurant and Stefania ordered an Uber. "Where to now then?" Danielle asked. "Well, I've booked a VIP tour of the Space Needle as I've never been before, despite the amount of time I've spent in this city." Before Danielle could say anything, her phone started to ring. "Sorry, it's Andrew, I should get this" she smiled apologetically to the brunette.

DS: "Hello"
AD: "Hey D, so I spoke to Gee..."
DS: "ok, and?... Come on Andrew, don't keep me waiting in suspense!"
AD: "Well, if you're really serious, then we'd be happy to take you up on your offer."
Danielle, couldn't contain her excitement. She let out a loud squeal, punching her fist in the air.
DS: "oh my god Andrew, you've no idea how happy you've just made me. This means the world to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you"
AD: "calm down D, we still need to finalise the details and draft some paper work before it's official. I'll just be happy to call Cooper though and tell him that the deal with him is off the table."
DS: "Oh, yeah, well, I'm sure if I ask Stefania nicely, she'll allow me to use Chandra's expertise to draft up the agreement. She is a business lawyer after all." Danielle looked to Stefania as she said this and although Stefania had no idea what was going on, she nodded in agreement. "Thank you" Danielle mouthed while patting Stefania's thing.
AD: "Alright then, that's amazing. When are you free to go over it then?"
DS: "I'm busy for the rest of the day but we don't fly out until about 4pm tomorrow so I'm sure Chandra and I could come and see you in the morning? I can give you a call after breakfast?"
AD: "yeah sounds good. And what about Stefania? Did you get a chance to speak to her yet?"
DS: "Um, yeah, sort of. It's a long story."
AD: "She's with you now isn't she?"
DS: "Yep, that would be correct..."
AD: "Oh, awkward, sorry. I'll let you go. I expect an update when I see you tomorrow though!"
DS: "Sure. See you then. Bye"

She hung up the phone and threw herself at Stefania crashing their lips together once again. She pulled away again almost as quickly. "Sorry" she said, "just a little caught up in the moment. I'm sorry." "It's ok Bella, seems like something exciting though" Stefania said smiling rubbing her hand on Danielle's back. Before Danielle could tell Stefania what was happening, they arrived at their destination.

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