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Antonio's pov•

"We will stay here for awhile, everyone is expected to be in their designated location before it hits 6 pm. For now just prepare." I spoke loudly, everyone nodded in response. We're all here in Sicily Italy, we will be attacking The dragon's warehouse.

The exact location is in Mazara del Vallo which would take us a couple of hours to arrive there, it's just 8 in the morning so we still have enough time.

A few days have passed, I don't even think about her anymore, not until now. I just think that if I keep myself busy thinking of her, things wouldn't be that nice for me. I wanna change myself for the better, but it doesn't mean I don't care for her anymore.

It's just that I came to a realization that I don't really need to push myself to someone who doesn't want or need me anymore. After this mess, I'm also considering the thing Tyrone said to me a few weeks ago, that I should take some rest from my work. A year or so, that way I could take good care of myself, or maybe find someone.
But fuck it, she's so unique. Now I just hope she's in a nice place where she's truly happy.

Hours have passed, we're all driving to their location. Some of my Men were already there guarding. Tons of cameras and backups are roaming around the area. Their warehouse is so small which surprised me.

The car stopped revealing an old house near the sea. I went outside, gripping my hands hard to the gun. Checking my hearing aid where Fred and Clark is guiding us. Richie walks towards the door following me, Matteo, Tyrone, and Khalil.

Richie kicked the door way too easily as it broke into pieces. Some 3 men guarding run towards us aiming their guns but they seem so slow when we all fired the bullets through their head which leads to them laying on the floor lifeless.

A couple of people went out to check what happened, they all have masks on which makes them hard to recognize. Some of my men went inside and shot each one of them.

I stumbled upon a man bigger than me, I then quickly took my knife and stabbed him right on his chest. It was easy to kill them all since they're outnumbered. Though some of my men died but we still make it through inside.

Walking down the hallway where tons of drugs and weapons are in massive crates which is mine. We kept walking until we reached the end, I opened the door and was still focused. I froze seeing 10 people pointing their guns towards me. And a person sitting on a chair, back is facing me.

"Guess who's here, Antonio Black." I can't move, I'm shocked to hear those familiar voice again.

Aurora's pov•

"The other one looks better." I then handed him the blue shirt while waiting for him to put it on, I just casually walk around the store.

"Yeah, I'll get this Miss." Michael spoke, coming out of the fitting room holding a pile of clothes that he will be buying.

Me and Michael are now just having a shopping trip here since he's on his off today. And promised me to take me out. It's been some time since I left, and life is great here.

Michael is very nice to me, I also work for him at his company. Though I don't really go to the office just like the other employees, I just go there if I want to or really need to. Which is a good thing, it's one of the perks I get for being a friend of the boss, it sounds fun and it is.

I am staying in his house which firstly I refuse but I really don't wanna be a damn loner. I would never mind having him as my acquaintance. He's funny, kind, and hot. Name it all.

"Let's go?" Michael walks towards me, holding the stuff he bought. I nod and we both left the store. Strolling through the mall searching for a great place to eat.
We both just ended up stuck in a parking spot on McDonald's. It's unhealthy but everyone should have a cheat day.

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