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"What's the occasion?" Khalil asks, while he walks towards the dining area that is filled with tons of people from Black empire. Well I'm not very prepared for this but I got to face the consequences of my decision. Do I regret it? No.

"Have a seat everyone. Today is a very important day to meet someone who is so special to us." Antonio then spoke as he walks towards his seat and sat.

Everyone did as he said so, most of the people are shocked because of me. As if they saw some ghosts, their reactions are very funny but I have to collect myself since this situation is very serious.

"I decided to call everyone here to have dinner with us because I will introduce to all of you. Aurora McKay." He spoke, then pointed at me making everyone turn to look at me.

"She was Ivy Black, the former leader of this empire. That woman that we respect all the time. As you guys remembered, she died months ago. Well to clear everything, she didn't. She have been saved by Fred. Some waiter from that ball. And everything goes according to her plan. But then destiny seems to go on my side, we meet again. And I did what everyone will, I get her. It took me months to figure out if her and Ivy are the same, and they are." He stated, I did nothing but stare at him. I don't give a fuck with everyone else in this room, I think that the only thing that matters are his words.

"And now she's back, as Aurora McKay. Her true self." He continues. Everyone listen and some shared their thoughts to each other.

"Yes, Ivy is dead but Aurora is alive and will always be. And since everyone knows it, I'm not going back to this underworld business anymore. I will live a peaceful life alone. So I would give my sincerely apologize to everyone. For lying and being so selfish, to my friends and you, Antonio." I spoke. Trying my best not to cry.

"You don't need to say sorry, and you're not selfish Aurora. The ten years you've spent being Ivy, and putting yourself first isn't being selfish. You're the bravest person I know." He spoke, this moment feels like it's just us. I felt something in my stomach, it's strange.

"I really don't know what to feel about this, but I'm glad you're back muffin." Matteo suddenly spoke then gives me a wink afterwards which earned a glare from Kylie. I knew there's something going on with them.

"Thank you, and I also wanna say thank you to Fred who helped me." I said and smiled, and then he smiles back.

Our night was crazy, we spent mostly talking about things. Well I guess the thought of being hated is probably disregarded after everything. It's unacceptable to lie but I know it happened for some reason. Those few days being carefree, and also getting the chance to be what I really wanted was worth it.

Meeting my friends and Alfred is such a sweet accident, and I am beyond grateful to have them.

"So it's final huh? Any other chances." Antonio asks as he puff from his cigarette. We are currently sitting in the balcony, same spot we often talk.

"Yes, there's always an end Antonio. And that's the main reason why I decided to hide. Hoping to get what I wanted." I said as I look up to the moon.

"How about your parents? Didn't you promise that you will give them the justice they deserve?" He asked curiously, mostly wanting to know what I would do with Cortez.

"They say there are five stages of grief. Denial, the time that I keep telling myself that it's just a nightmare and soon, I'll wake up. Bargaining, as if I could change everything. That somehow there's a miracle. Then Anger comes, it made me want to kill every single one of them. The people who killed my beloved family.  Depression hits me, keeping myself locked up. Distancing myself with people and not letting myself be attached to anyone, until now. Then, I told myself before, that I'll add another one. Sweet revenge. But then I came to a realization that I don't need to be violent towards the people who hurt me, who made me the monster that I was, I need to accept the faith that has given to me whether it is acceptable or not. All I needed was acceptance, and it took me years."
I spoke. Recalling my past is really tragic, I was an innocent little girl.

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