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I woke up by the bright sun that is passing through my window. I stand up and do my morning routine, it consists of taking a shower and dressing up in my formal attire as usual. After awhile I went downstairs to eat some breakfast with them. But I quickly lose my appetite and just went upstairs to go to my room.

It's awkward to see Antonio after what happened last day, It's just weird to see him like that. I love him so much but I don't want to hurt him and knowing that he's persistent about his feelings would make it even worse. I just spent my time trying to know who's behind the sabotages because it's more useful than overthinking everything about me and Antonio.

Now I'm looking through the footages of the sabotages through out the past few days. It all happens every night which makes sense since they don't wanna be caught, but they're not so smart as they thought they were. They all have the same exact mask and the same exact tattoo imprinted to their nasty body, exactly located on their chest.

It's an unfamiliar design, something I have never encountered or seen before. It seems like these people are from a new group. I asked Arnaldo if he knows the people behind those masks and I'm right, they're new and completely unknown as of now. It only takes one person to know who are they.

I went downstairs to find Antonio but it seems like he went out to do something only god knows. I just went to Richie since he's the only one who could help me.

"Hey Aurora, what's up?" Richie spoke as I walk towards him and take a sit on his desk. His room is such a mess, but I'm not really surprised.

"I just wanna ask you a favor, if you don't mind." I spoke. Taking a can of coke and drink it.

"Go ahead." He replied.

"So you see, I'm trying to help out about the current situation but Antonio doesn't allow me so I have to do it secretly and I clearly need you. I've checked every footage of the sabotages for the past few days and noticed something that might be helpful, the tattoo imprinted to their chest is all the same, here." I spoke then hand him a picture of the tattoo sketches that I made.

"I see, that seems so unfamiliar. But I'll try finding someone who have the same exact tattoo then bring them to you as soon as possible." He said taking away the soft drink from me making me roll my eyes up to the ceiling.

"Thank you, and please don't tell anyone about this, okay." I said walking towards the door as I leave his room.

I went back to my room and take a quick shower. I wore a basic shirt and top it off with some blazer and paired it with a pants. I walk towards the door to go out but someone bumped on me. "Watch out!" I spoke as I stand up and look who's the asshole.

An unfamiliar guy stood in front of me, offering his hands but I ignored it. He got those brown eyes, black hair that is so neat, wide shoulders and tan skin. "I'm so sorry Miss, I didn't seem to bump on you." He said sincerely. I just Ignore him and went outside since I'm already late to my meeting. I get my keys and open the car, but then I saw Antonio walking towards with the same guy who ruined my good day.

"Aurora, where are you going?" He ask.

"I'm just going out, why do you need to know? And who is this asshole beside you?" I asked turning my gaze to the guy beside him.

"Because you're not allowed to go out. And it seems like you've already met Tyrone. He's a new member of Black empire, Tyrone, Aurora my bestfriend." He spoke as he introduced him to me.

"I don't care about him, and if I wanna go out, I will." I said then quickly enter my car and start the engine. Antonio didn't do anything and just let me be, which he should. I wouldn't let myself locked up to that goddamn house my entire life, and soon he'll thank me anyway.

It took me almost an hour to get to the location where I'll be meeting someone. It's Katrina, she's one of the best assassin that I've met. And except for Richie, she'll be a great help to me to accomplish this mission of mine.

I enter the Cafe where Katrina is already drinking her coffee. I walk towards her and she stands up and approach me.

"Ms. Black, I already ordered. Have a sit." She said then we both take our seats. I take my order as per usual.

"Call me Aurora, Katrina. And I'm sorry for being a bit late, Antonio is just so annoying." I said and she chuckles. Me and Katrina is completely the same, we both have the same perspective on most of the things. And I really respect her so much as much as she do to me. She's very professional, no one knows her other than me and Antonio. But many people hired her because of how clean she does her works.

"Oh sure thing, I'm glad you're back. So what do you want?" She asks.

"Bring me someone who have this exact tattoo on its chest as soon as possible. Bring it to the same warehouse as usual. You can find them surely in the bars every night." I spoke while she listens carefully. I handed her the picture of some guy who's behind the sabotages.

"Get it, I'll be calling you as soon as possible." She replies.

"Thank you Katrina, I'll be seeing you soon. And please, don't utter a single word to Antonio. The money is already processed to your account." I said sternly which she understands and nods. I put some bills on the table and stood up.

"Thank you Aurora!" She said then smiled. I left the Cafe and went to my car and drive back to the house. It's already 5:30 in the afternoon when I get home. People are all gathered in the living room where they all play as if we're not in a so called 'crisis'. Khalil and Fred playing while Kylie and Matteo cling on each other. And the other are playing some games too.

Antonio suddenly enter the living room pissed, beside him is that guy Tyrone. He looks like a lost puppy which makes me chuckle. "Are you guys fucking crazy!" He shouted and earned everybody's attention.
They all look scared and I can't help but laugh, loudly. Antonio then turned his gaze to me and I stopped.

"And where have you been? I was so worried." He spoke gently as he walks towards me. His anger seems to disappear, his eyes meet mines.

"I just went out to get some coffee." I lied, which he clearly believe.

"Next time just ask someone to get you one, it's dangerous for you to go out as of now." He spoke. Everyone stared at us, this is so awkward.

"I'm tired, I'll go take a nap." I said then quickly left to go to my room.
This man is hilarious, I can't resist the fact that I feel so in love with him? I'm confused.


It is a risk to love
What if it doesn't work out?
Oh what if it does.

- Petter McWilliams

Have a wonderful day my lovely 🌷🌷🌷

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