3.2. Another Transfer Student In Our Class?

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[June 27, 2129]
[9:10 AM, Wednesday Morning]
[In the Principal's Main Office]

Ms. Morimura:  "Greetings, T/n Murasawa-san."

T/n:  "Greetings."

Ms. Morimura:  "Wow, I can't tell who is who from you two, you both look exactly the same."

T/n:  "Well, I have a mole right underneath my right eye, and it's visible to see."

Ms. Morimura:  "Oh, you're right, I can tell now."

Principal:  "Right, you both look so similar that even I couldn't tell at first glance."
Principal: "But anyways, I'm glad to have you all here today."

Principal:  "This is Ms. Morimura, she'll be your teacher all year."

Ms. Morimura:  "Hello, I'm your homeroom teacher starting today."

T/n:  "It's a pleasure to have you as my teacher, Ms. Morimura."

Principal:  "Ms. Morimura, you can handle the rest now."

Ms. Morimura:  "Yes, sir, have a good day."
Ms. Morimura: "Murasawa-san, please follow me."

The younger twin follow behind her teacher, all the way to the front of their homeroom.

Ms. Morimura:  "Okay, wait here until I call on you."

T/n:  "Yes, Ms. Morimura."

Ms.  Morimura:  "Okay, everyone, class is in session."
Ms. Morimura: "Please do take your seats."
Every student did what they were told, putting their attention to their homeroom teacher.

Ms. Morimura:  "I pardon the lateness once again, but we have another transfer student who'll be with us all year."

Ms. Morimura:  "Murasawa-san, please come in."

All:  "Murasawa-san...?"

As T/n walked into her homeroom with gracefulness, everyone in the room except for Y/n herself starts to panic as they see another Y/n walk into the room, but with her hair in a half updo with a red bow on top.
She stops to the front of the class and bows respectfully to her classmates.

T/n:  "Hello, everyone."

Iori:  'T/n-chan~!!!'
Miwako:  'T/n-chan~!!!'
Juro:  'T/n-san?!!'
They all scream internally.

Y/n:  'I see, we are in the same class once more~!'
Y/n smiles, happy to see her younger sister being in the same class as her once again.

T/n looks around and happily finds Y/n.
T/n:  'Sister~!'

Everyone:  "WHAT!!!"
Boy Student:  "Another Y/n?!"

Y/n: "Ppft..."
Y/n silently scoffs.

Girl Student 1:  "Wait, but isn't Murasawa-san over here?!"
She says, pointing to Y/n in confusion.

Everyone around murmurs.
'They literally look the same...'
'They're so pretty, but who is who?'
'I can't tell the difference between them...'
'Think they have a love interest already?'
'But isn't Y/n going out with-'

Ms. Morimura:  "Everyone please calm down, maybe you need to hear from the twin herself."
Ms. Morimura says as she's writing T/n's name to the furthest right hand corner of the white board.
Ms. Morimura:  "Murasawa-san, please introduce yourself."

T/n:  "Everyone, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding just now, I'm Y/n's younger twin sister, T/n."
T/n:  "As you already know, just like my sister who just transferred here a week ago, starting today, I'll be your new classmate, it is very nice to meet you all."

T/n bows to her classmates once more, this time receiving all clappings from students around the classroom.
As the clapping died down, Ms. Morimura assigned T/n to her new assigned seat.

Ms. Morimura:  "You'll be in front of your sister, next to Fuyusaka-san."

Y/n:  'Perfect, like how we used to sit back in Kuku High.'
T/n:  'Perfect, like how we used to sit back in Kuku High.'

Ms. Morimura:  "Meanwhile, I'll be starting lecture, if you need any missing notes, you can always come to my office and pick up the rest of them."
Ms. Morimura:  Well, not like you had a lot to miss anyways."

T/n:  "Yes, Ms. Morimura."

Ms. Morimura:  "Wonderful, please take your seat."

T/n:  "Yes, ma'am."

As T/n walks to her desk, she catches her older sister smiling at her.
T/n reciprocates back, smiling back at her sister with the same amount of happiness.
They were very happy.
They were so happy that once again, they're not separated, but in the same class once more.

T/n did have one wish though.
She wished upon a star.
Maybe the guy that caught her attention would be in the same class as her.
But when she looked around...
Her happy facial turned to an unfortunate pout.

T/n:  'Shucks, he's not in this class...'

13 SENTINELS: Aegis RIM: ANOTHER STORY - [PART I] (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now