8.1. Juro's Perspective [Afternoon: In Class]

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[July 2, 2129]
[4:30 PM, Monday Afternoon]

Homeroom just got done for the day.
Y/n and T/n had to leave school during lunch hours due to having a dentist appointment, to which they didn't look too happy of.
But at least they looked happy when leaving school early...
Although he was a bit sad he wasn't able to eat with Y/n at lunch.

The second time Y/n came over, he had a blast.
Her cooking was amazing and he couldn't wait to try it once more.

When Y/n told Juro she was leaving early to her dentist appointment, the look on him looked a bit sad.
She told him she's not allowed to move out at the moment which made him a bit sadder.
But she made him a bento, which made him a very happy boy.
Better yet, it was his favorite Hamburg steak once again.
He was internally grateful and proud he has a friend such as her with him.

Juro takes a good look around the class room.
It was after school hours, students weren't filled in their seats.
Some of them went home, some of them went to their respective clubs, and some of them were hanging out with their friends as usual.
It was a natural scene yet it felt as if he has seen this thousands of times, if not exaggerating.
For some reason though, the nature of it all didn't feel right to him.

Perhaps this is all because he keeps watching too much movies?

Juro: "This again..."
Juro: "What is going on?"
Juro:  'Why... does it feel so... weird?'

Shiba: "C'mon, Juro."
Shiba: "Let's go home."

Juro: "Shiba-kun..."
Juro walks up to Shiba, who was in the back of the class reading his newspaper.

Shiba: "What's up with you?"

Juro: "I just get this weird feeling sometimes..."
Juro: "Like something's off."

Shiba: "What the.."

Juro: "Going to school, living my life..."
Juro: "It's like I'm not supposed to be here."

Shiba: "You've seen too many movies, man."
Shiba says as he naturally peeks out a smile at him.

Juro: 'He's probably right...'
Juro: 'Perhaps I'm dreaming of all this...'
Juro: 'Shiba-kun's a bit of a class clown, but he's a good friend.'
Juro: 'Besides Y/n, I always talk to him about action flicks.'

Juro: "Oh speaking of movies, I brought your video tape back."
Juro: "Thanks for letting me borrow it."

Shiba: "Already finished it?"
Shiba: "I just lent it to you yesterday."
Shiba: "You wasted no time!"

Juro: "Can you blame me?"
Juro: "Giant robots, fights in the city..."
Juro: "It had me on the edge of my seat!"

Shiba giggles.
Shiba: "You sure do love your mecha, dont'cha Juro?"

Juro: "Of course I do, and I always will."

As Juro was saying this, he went to his desk, retrieved the video DVD within its case and returned it back to Shiba.

Juro: "Here you go, your video tape."
Juro: "Let me know if you have others to recommend."

Shiba: "Sure, yeah."
Shiba: "You've really turned into a movie buff, huh?"

Juro: "Do you think it's too much?"
Juro: "Well now that you mention it..."
Juro: "I've been seeing this stuff in my dreams too."

Shiba: "Yup."
Shiba: "Definite movie addiction."
Shiba: "Y/n-san would say the same thing as well."

Juro: "Really?"

Shiba: "Really."
Shiba: "She is the type to notice small things such as this."
Shiba: "Not only that, you're showing all the signs."
Shiba: "Soon enough, you won't know the difference between fiction and reality."

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