8.7. Juro's Perspective: [Tuesday Afternoon: After Flashbacks]

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Juro:  'That girl...'
Juro:  'She stands a little too close to me.'
Juro:  'It's awkward...'
Juro:  'I get self-conscious now.'
Juro:  'How am I supposed to interact with her...?'

Juro was lost in his thoughts of the past events until...

???:  "...Hey, Juro."

Juro:  "Wha—!"
Juro:  "Shiba-kun..."
Juro:  'Oh god, that was embarrassing...!'

Shiba:  "Uh, hello?"
Shiba:  "Earth to Juro."
Shiba:  "So..."
Shiba:  "I couldn't find Amiguchi."
Shiba:  "He must've gone home already."

Juro:  "I see..."

Shiba: "Let's just head home and call it a day."
Shiba: "Wanna stop by the video store?"

Juro: "Sure."

The two headed down the stairs.
[Sakura High School Stairs]

Shiba: "I'm kinda hungry."
Shiba: "Let's get food on the way home."

Juro: "What should we get?"

Shiba: "Your choice, my friend."

Juro: "Then, let's get some ramen on the way home."

Shiba: "Not bad."
Shiba: "I'm down for it."

Juro: 'I wish I could bring Y/n-san here though...'
Juro: 'Maybe I could show her around town one day.'
Juro: 'Maybe next time when she is free.'

13 SENTINELS: Aegis RIM: ANOTHER STORY - [PART I] (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now